Military is very much split. Some branches more then others. The vast majority are moderate or conservative but you have to realize that they are human to. He only received about 70% of military votes. They swore an oath but that doesn’t mean they don’t have their own beliefs and opinions.
Officers from the academy are more likely to lean left they went to college first. Which means they had 4 years of brain washing already. Those that made officer the harder way are more likely to be based. There is also a significant amount that have joined over the last 4 years during the largest brainwashing campaign ever. To hate the president.
Military is very much split. Some branches more then others. The vast majority are moderate or conservative but you have to realize that they are human to. He only received about 70% of military votes. They swore an oath but that doesn’t mean they don’t have their own beliefs and opinions.
Officers from the academy are more likely to lean left they went to college first. Which means they had 4 years of brain washing already. Those that made officer the harder way are more likely to be based. There is also a significant amount that have joined over the last 4 years during the largest brainwashing campaign ever. To hate the president.