He's not? WELL, that is a bit of a bummer! I mentioned in a different post that I haven't looked into the Rothschilds very much.. my shock at learning this proves it. HA. Now I have to go and edit another post where i said "The Clintons and The Rothschilds are speaking of Q, we are over the target!" DAMN IT. I'm legit bummed.
Has there been even one violent anon event? I've not heard of any. If we are a cult don't you have to follow the teachings of your leader? Thus we are to do nothing but spread info?! Violent..... Ok
Well, you know, there have been some heated grammar “discussions” here, but since QAnon is a left wing conspiracy, I don’t think this topic concerns us—at least from this red shield wannabe. Are the QAnons violent?
Also I learnt the hard way on 4chan. "Mike Rothschild" isn't a Rothschild, he changed his name to troll conspiracy theorists xD.
He's not? WELL, that is a bit of a bummer! I mentioned in a different post that I haven't looked into the Rothschilds very much.. my shock at learning this proves it. HA. Now I have to go and edit another post where i said "The Clintons and The Rothschilds are speaking of Q, we are over the target!" DAMN IT. I'm legit bummed.
Did he legally change his name to Rothschild, or just his Twatter handle?
Hey, Mike! Looks like you follow us pretty closely! Good. Be afraid, you filth.
“Violent prophecy cult”???
Someone seems quite nervous . Tee Hee Hee.
Has there been even one violent anon event? I've not heard of any. If we are a cult don't you have to follow the teachings of your leader? Thus we are to do nothing but spread info?! Violent..... Ok
Well, you know, there have been some heated grammar “discussions” here, but since QAnon is a left wing conspiracy, I don’t think this topic concerns us—at least from this red shield wannabe. Are the QAnons violent?
From what I can see it's a left wing conspiracy theory ..You know how nuts those people are.
No idea if they did or twitter did, I assume 100% of the comments would've been Q supporters.