All the time they reference to the election being rigged, but then they follow it up with "we have to call our representatives to make sure they understand that if they dont listen to our concerns we're going to vote them out of office!" Wait, what? How is voting going to make any difference if we know for a fact that they can decide the results? If something isnt done NOW then voting at any point will be about as fruitful as shooting yourself in the foot to scratch an itch.
The DS has become so blasé with the rigging that nothing will stop them from doing this in perpetuity to make sure a patriot like Trump is never put into a position of power again. And threatening these spineless Rinos with voting them out isnt worth the breath you'd waste calling them.
They've distanced themselves from Q quite a lot, which I can understand on some level, but now they've admitted defeat and do nothing but scream about AOC and future elections, as if we have a choice anymore, they're basically turning into Tim Pool.
They allude to pedophilia and satanism through sarcastic jokes and offhand insults but refuse to speak about it in-depth, like they're mocking the idea. Even if they dont believe it they haven't even given the evidence the time of day.
Yet people are calling them patriotic news. At the end of the day for them it's all about the money, rather than waking people up to the greatest battle of good v evil going on right now, just like the rest of the MSM establishment cronies. They're basically no better than TYT.
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