sorry have fallowed this from the beginning ... This was all a Disinfo campaign ran by the individuals spoken of in the recent time magazine article....mix some real good info with bad info. this shapes what ones response is on the internet....the op was designed to sweep and discredit the most ardent supporters of trump. the bright spot is that most of you posting here have a lot of what's actualy going on becouse this op was a massive failure by those who created it....the best research is found by individuals in the Q movement and at the same time the worst info. At this point you have served there purpose and they are scared of what they created.....
So am I! It’s not magic, except to an ignorant audience.
sorry have fallowed this from the beginning ... This was all a Disinfo campaign ran by the individuals spoken of in the recent time magazine article....mix some real good info with bad info. this shapes what ones response is on the internet....the op was designed to sweep and discredit the most ardent supporters of trump. the bright spot is that most of you posting here have a lot of what's actualy going on becouse this op was a massive failure by those who created it....the best research is found by individuals in the Q movement and at the same time the worst info. At this point you have served there purpose and they are scared of what they created.....