I agree. I cannot put my contempt, anger, rage and other things I should not say into words strong enough on how I feel and what should be done to anyone who hurts children, especially babies. Perhaps dropping something during the Puppy Bowl would open many eyes. Give a warning to get children out of the room. Talk about ripping the bandaid off quickly.Instead of half time, cut into the game right after half time, during the kickoff. That would get people watching.
I agree. I cannot put my contempt, anger, rage and other things I should not say into words strong enough on how I feel and what should be done to anyone who hurts children, especially babies. Perhaps dropping something during the Puppy Bowl would open many eyes. Give a warning to get children out of the room. Talk about ripping the bandaid off quickly.Instead of half time, cut into the game right after half time, during the kickoff. That would get people watching.