Although plausible, this theory lacks commie pedos being pushed out of choppers, hung, or shot by firing squad. Our maybe that could still be a part of this. How many executions before SCOTUS ruling would it take for the case to be a slam dunk? What if chief Justice Roberts gets arrested?
Second, this will give the media and sheep an out, since DJT installed 3 of the justices. Trump rigged the courts!
Third, how does "the new republic" idea play out in this scenario? It doesn't, right?
Although plausible, this theory lacks commie pedos being pushed out of choppers, hung, or shot by firing squad. Our maybe that could still be a part of this. How many executions before SCOTUS ruling would it take for the case to be a slam dunk? What if chief Justice Roberts gets arrested?
Second, this will give the media and sheep an out, since DJT installed 3 of the justices. Trump rigged the courts!
Third, how does "the new republic" idea play out in this scenario? It doesn't, right?