You guys heard of Event 201? I guess they practiced this pandemic in 2019?
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Damn, I read through some of this and the highlighted areas pointed out. This is very scary. And to think this has all been in the planning stages from years. I noticed how prominent "China" is in much of this. Thanks for the link.
I have tried to get folks to look at this but you seem to be the only one. From 2010 scenario to event 201 for the “Fear Factor” map that shows how fast and deadly the virus is to getting your compliance (their control) to lock in Agenda 21 2030. All of this for you to want be give up your rights and be locked down and vaccinated (tracking, digital currency ( money spreads the virus) and built in obsolescence ( vaccine overrides your immune system). Hopefully you will be more successful at getting folks to connect the dots. Thank you for bringing this to the discussion!!
Well, I really appreciate the info and the link. I bookmarked it so I can go back and read all of it.