Nuff to make you want to take a road trip to MA. I wonder what breaks first? My will or every bone in his body? Lowe's sell 1/2 rebar in 3 foot lengths for only $3.28. In Minecraft, of course.
We are not a violent movement. You sound more like antifa than you do a patriot. Leave the rhetoric back on 4chan. You're the one who will get us all labeled as dom terrs....
Nuff to make you want to take a road trip to MA. I wonder what breaks first? My will or every bone in his body? Lowe's sell 1/2 rebar in 3 foot lengths for only $3.28. In Minecraft, of course.
We are not a violent movement. You sound more like antifa than you do a patriot. Leave the rhetoric back on 4chan. You're the one who will get us all labeled as dom terrs....
We're already labeled as terrorists.
Well dont give them any examples, like that nom patriot above advocating for violence above...
If no one takes charge to stop tyranny for the population, the population have a birth right to dethrone that tyranny themselves
At what point in time is it acceptable to push back on tyranny? You want to wait until it's too late?