Killary tweets yesterday at 1:48 pm about a Qanon piece in New York Times.
Go to Q drop 148
Q Drop 148 literally states the exact same thing, “NYT/Clowns In America article released today re: Q-group is a DIRECT attack“.
- @MzMidniteRider333 post

Either Q owns a quantum computer that can predict the future, or has maintained an iron grip level of control over these corporations, swamp creatures and 3-letter agencies since 2017 to the point that Q could plan all the timestamps/proofs years in advance.
The Looking Glass is very real.
What's that?
Unless....God is on the team. He has His own way of getting things accomplished. He is the ultimate super computer.
except 99% of the past several thousand years have been a living hell for humans, unless you think thats a 'good' thing for a deity to engineer
The hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life...ever, was to allow my grown children freedom and then watch the world take chunks out of their hearts. I didn't engineer that any more than Father has engineered this mess.
This is so damn true.
Space force would be the branch you’d think would have a quantum computer ?
Either Q owns a quantum computer that can predict the future Quantum computers are not oracles "predicting the future". My theory is "crazy" but it is not about those 2 above about "quantum computer" or control,rather kind of "quantum router" allowing communication from future with the past. Idea that Q posts ARE from the future.Crazy.Against mainstream science theory of useful information not traveling faster than light.But..."Future proves past" you know.Exact timing (timestamps) you know.Simply posting it might be about reverted "grandfather paradox" (if you kill your grantfather in the past you wouldn't exist and time-travel past - but if you are REALLY the reason your grandfather existed,time travel MUST be done).
Gosh... maybe guys from the future might be even inspired by those posts to investigate making such machine,that would be funny...
Those Idea is "extremely crazy",but would also more useful strategically than entangled realtime communication if true. Intelligence would love it if true,it would give for example the opportunity to make really all kind of encryption useless (in some circumstances of course but still)
lol everyone's just now realizing that the Trump/Q/military have been in control since 2016 and everything has just been a psyop to 'sour the milk' of the celebrity/politician/media-as-elites complex