I just read about project FUNVAX that developed a mRSA vaccine intended to suppress the VMAT2 gene.
Trump had to know about this, so why would he support it? Why would he push the vaccine so hard?
I just read about project FUNVAX that developed a mRSA vaccine intended to suppress the VMAT2 gene.
Trump had to know about this, so why would he support it? Why would he push the vaccine so hard?
no he wasn't - there's never been a CV vax that didn't cause terrible pblms.
Fauci is nearly 80ys old - fire the C##t.
delay the regulations - order it to be strict - strict animal tests - order it as fast as possible sure - the speed is not the issue - the tests were BS - there were no animal studies - no challenge studies and you don't even need vaxes for most of the pop.
instead they signed contracts around the world for billions of doses, some countries have ordered enough to vax their entire pop. 2-3 times over WTF is this ?
rolled it out before the trials were even 1/2 finished so now you basically have millions of people joining what is pbly the most stupid medical experiment in human histroy - and being heavily coerced. Not so bad in the US - but everywhere else has gone batshit with it. Look at the UK !!! AU, NZ, Canada.
vaccine passports for a disease that kills 0.03% ? WTF ?
the whole thing stinks if you ask me.... .
even if Trump comes back in - he's touted it as a life time achievement of his first term a MEDICAL MIRACLE.
OK - he didn't produce it himself, but it was his leadership, his big claims to success with it
He can't dial back on that very easily without losing credibility.