The idea of satanic rituals and pedophilia existing in our government and Hollywood is nothing new. I remember in my college years watching Youtube videos of how rap stars are essentially selling their souls to Satan at the behest of the elites. Hours of videos pointing out satanic imagery and lyrics in their music. And "casting couches" have been known for decades.
The thing that's special about Q isn't the revelation of what we already suspect but the fact that we (or they) are finally going to do something about it. The only reason I'm here is to hopefully see something done about it. I want action... not more "elites evil and sick" talk. No shit. Punish those fucks in mass and give us our country back.
Yes, I've heard about stars selling their souls to Satan for decades. But I thought it just meant that they'd compromise their integrity for stardom. Maybe some would trade sex for film roles, act in dumb and morally questionable films and television shows, and maybe do ads for some products they knew were no good. I didn't think it meant they'd participate in devil-worshiping orgies, rape and kill children, eat human flesh, and use their fame to push globalist totalitarian communism on the rest of us.
The idea of satanic rituals and pedophilia existing in our government and Hollywood is nothing new. I remember in my college years watching Youtube videos of how rap stars are essentially selling their souls to Satan at the behest of the elites. Hours of videos pointing out satanic imagery and lyrics in their music. And "casting couches" have been known for decades.
The thing that's special about Q isn't the revelation of what we already suspect but the fact that we (or they) are finally going to do something about it. The only reason I'm here is to hopefully see something done about it. I want action... not more "elites evil and sick" talk. No shit. Punish those fucks in mass and give us our country back.
Yes, I've heard about stars selling their souls to Satan for decades. But I thought it just meant that they'd compromise their integrity for stardom. Maybe some would trade sex for film roles, act in dumb and morally questionable films and television shows, and maybe do ads for some products they knew were no good. I didn't think it meant they'd participate in devil-worshiping orgies, rape and kill children, eat human flesh, and use their fame to push globalist totalitarian communism on the rest of us.