posted ago by RageBringer ago by RageBringer +12 / -1

I am looking to compile every single letter, number, phrase, word and image that Q has ever posted. Nothing extra, nothing anyone else said, nothing added by a platform used to post. Just the INPUT FROM Q itself.

My plan is to take this pure Q data/information, the build a categorical database that shows how many unique numbers, words, images Q has posted.

Once I have all this sorted information, I want to count and sort in ascending order the number of repeats of anything Q ever posted.


What NUMBERS has Q ever posted? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,13,15,16,17,19,22, etc. Find what Q HAS posted for raw individual numbers, and also and very importantly what Q has NOT ever posted.

What LETTERS has Q ever posted? a,b,c,d,f,g,h,i,l,m,o,q,r, etc. Find what Q HAS posted for raw individual letters, and also and very importantly what Q has NOT ever posted.

What WORDS has Q ever posted? How many TIMES has those specific WORDS been repeated? Are there any WORDS that would have potentially made better sense if they were used to REPLACE what Q actually POSTED? Especially any WORDS, that Q only ever used ONCE.

What NUMBER COMBINATIONS has Q ever posted? 10,203,1039, 2020,2021 etc? How many times are there REPEAT NUMBERS? Are there ever any specific numbers that are NEVER USED that fall 1 digit between 2 other numbers that have been HEAVILY used?

What TIMES has Q posted? Any TIME repeated? Any TIME never used?

I have had several dreams this past month and by writing down what I could remember, there was a message that was similar.

a TRUTH can NEVER be SPOKEN publicly; RESEARCHERS that are hyper focused on what IS SPOKEN, will be MISLEAD by OVERLOOKING what is NOT SAID<

If anything like this has already been done, I'd appreciate a link or two. Thanks.