Guys you realize the Jews that are in control of much of what you point out are NOT the Israelite jews of the Bible right? One thing that CANT happen here is having the true Jewish people maligned and set up and portrayed as some kind of evil cabal. We've already seen the results of that once in history. If we believe in God and the Bible like most everyone here claims to, we should all also understand that the Jewish people are STILL God's chosen people. I do NOT like the sentiment that I have seen here lately in that regard.
If you are a Christian you need to understand what Jesus said about the Jewish people, he being the promised Messiah, at Matthew 23:33-39. It was at this time that the Jewish people were told they were no longer the people chosen by God, but it would be those who accept Jesus Christ as Gods promised Messiah, True Christian's, who now would become a group of Gods chosen people. If you're a Jew, you may want to study very closely where your ancestors missed the prophesies about the promised Messiah and how you have been mislead ever since!
Yes they are. The Cohen and Levi bloodlines are kept track of. They will push the Noahide Laws. They are the Orthodox that the Atheist/Marxist Jew despises, like Karl Marx, aka Mordecai.
Read "To Eliminate the Opiate" for the Jew on Jew war.
However both sets of Jews have something in store for Catholic/Christian America that you will not enjoy.
Ok. I don't understand, is there documentation somewhere about all of this?
Like, why would MOSSAD, which is basically Israel Intelligence be installing people who hate their own country? Democrats for every have always tried to make Israel weak. What's their end game/goal?
Cabal almost wiped out Ortodoxy in Russia (not completely but after all that happened Ortodox church is severely weakened) and eastern Europe as powerful force able to resist,and Protestantism... well Protestantism is too divided and maybe even more vulnerable to subversion than Catholic Church. Protestantism "Founded by Freemasonery" ? Rather founded with support of jews and enemies of faith but in fact Protestantism was just good movement wanting to return to the principles of Bible lost because the church officials become too blinded by material things and world. Just things went wrong way because of satan and human ambition - just it was with Pope's schism against Orthodoxy (Bishop of Rome ambition of becoming monarch to resist tribal pagan "barbarian" rullers who conquered western roman empire - Jesus gave leadership to Peter, but really to his "successors" ?)
Personally despite being officially Catholic I think Catholicism is and was from a long time quite corrupted,but currently it is probably strongest and best organized faction of Christian believers.
Catholic (catholico) was established by Roman Emperor Constantine in the 300's in an effort to eliminate, or at least mitigate the religious division within the Empire. By then, Christianity had become so corrupted and twisted just as Jesus said it would, that those who claimed to be its leaders, had already been closely connected with Rome. Constantine got these corrupted leaders to agree to a central religion that would accept both pagan and by then corrupted christian teachings and they became known as CATHOLICS. Read your history of Catholicism.
It has been infiltrated by evil but the church itself was founded by Jesus Christ.
He renamed Simon Bar Jonah to Peter (which translates to Rock) and said upon Peter, Jesus would build his church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
Every other Protestant church is the result of Freemasonry. Freemasonry's #1 enemy is the Catholic church. Read Blavatsky's "ISIS Unveiled" to see why they tarted the Jesuits and Catholic church for infiltration. There's another good one called "A Plot Against the Church".
Think of it...the 12 Apostles...1 was wicked and refused to repent...does that negate the work of the rest? No!
Didn't Jesus call Peter Satan? Get behind me Satan.
Isn't Peter's sign an upside down cross, a Satanic symbol.
Didn't Peter teach the Eucharist, a ritual human sacrifice?
Didn't Peter deny Jesus three times?
Didn't Jesus say, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. Has Peter been converted yet?
It seems as if Jesus built his Church upon Satan.
When Jesus says, He would build his church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Seems to me that the Gates of Hell have been prevailing rampantly at the Catholic Church.
Why would the Catholic Church continue to preach Jesus if he was good and against evil?
It seems to me that the Catholic Church's Jesus is not the correct account of Jesus.
Don't you think the Gnostics have a better version of Christ. The Gnostics which the C.C. was adamant in stomping out of existence along with their texts. Then demonizing them as child sacrificers, accusing them of what the C.C. is actually doing. Where have we heard that before?
In my opinion if the Freemasons are the #1 enemy of the C.C. then they are righteous or there are two evil groups fighting for power.
If one of the 12 Apostles was wicked, how do you know that one Apostle was Judas and not Peter? The Gospel of Judas claims Judas was following Jesus' instructions.
Didn't Peter teach the Eucharist, a ritual human sacrifice?
Go away you blasphemous Jewish son of satan, because your words are true insult to Jesus and our holy faith !
Eucharist was created by Jesus Christ before his death you dumb !
"Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and wafter blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” 27 And he took a cup, and when he yhad given thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you, 28 for this is my blood of the3 covenant, which is poured out for amany for the forgiveness of sins. 29 I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you cin my Father’s kingdom."
Matthew 14:26-29
And as they were eating, he took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to them, and said, “Take; this is my body.” 23 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, and they all drank of it. 24 And he said to them, “This is my blood of the 3 covenant, which is poured out for many. 25 Truly, I say to you, I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.”
Mark 14:22-25
And he said to them, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. 16 For I tell you I will not eat it2 until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.” 17 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he said, “Take this, and divide it among yourselves. 18 For I tell you that from now on I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.” 19 And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” 20 And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood
Luke 22:15-20
By the way - I don't say Catholic church isn't corrupted.It looks it is.
Ortodoxy believes in communion of blood and body - so bread and vine.
Roman Catholicism gives the faithful only the bread,wine is drank only by the priest. (I think it may be wrong...)
But are protestants better when many of protestants factions believe that are "just symbols" not understanding the importance of holy miracle of the real presence of Jesus in holy Eucharist ?! God himself not only with us but among us so near !
Im not Jewish, I pointed to another form of Christianity...Gnosticism.
You obviously don't understand what Q is about.
You are dividing us by religion (Q drop 4535).
You are a detriment to this Q forum with that thinking. Wake Up. Question.
You have been brainwashed with fear, fear of questioning your faith.
Question everything. (Q drop 812)
The C.C. created the New Testament, and hijacked the OT to stomp out Jews, Hitler was backed by the C.C. , Hitler ran to South America where he was protected by the Jesuits after the war, but I sure you're okay with that.
Maybe you should go ahead and join Anti-Fa already, their ideals seem to align with yours perfectly. They use your flag and everything. (Q drop 4635)
Every Bible verse you quoted proves my point, the C.C.'s Jesus wants you to eat flesh and drink blood. Whenever a ritual involves blood, look the fuck out.
John 6:66 - Jesus lost all but 12 followers after he told them to eat flesh and drink blood.
Stop justifying ritual human sacrifice, it is what it says it is Blood and Flesh.
You claim I want to divide people ? You are wrong. It is my duty as believer and Christian to bear the witness to the truth - whatever the cost. And to simply try save your soul. You attacked first, by blasphemies - I only defend the faith.
And Q is NOT about "gnosticism" or so.
John 6:66 - Jesus lost all but 12 followers after he told them to eat flesh and drink blood.
Stop justifying ritual human sacrifice, it is what it says it is Blood and Flesh.
Go away satan(ist) with your evil blasphemies IT IS NOT ABOUT HUMAN BLOOD AND FLESH !
By the way - Isn't that sign of God you put those 6:66 here in claiming that holy eucharisty is equal to satanist "spirit cooking" ?!
1.It is all about Christ sacrifice on the cross and holy eucharisty is NOT "ritual cannibalism",it is a reminder that we by allowing to be disconnected from god by sin killed our lord and savior and spilled his blood - but simultaneously he gives us himself,his SPIRITUAL blood and body spilled - not simply to "eat",but to forgive us those cannibalistic nature and to transcend us it into once more united with our god and saviour ! That is of course only faulty simplification of gods miracle of the cross. We were like cannibals or worse by sin,we were like those cabal in the eyes of god - but we are redeemed from that by the Christ spiritual GOD NATURE to be children of god ! WE ARE REDEEMED BY THE CHRIST !
We need to only accept that truth and follow the Christ,the God - who loves us !!!
2.Christ was NOT just human, he was god who humbled himself to take human nature as his and to die for our sins to make us redeemed. He died not just as a man,he was dying as god united with our human nature,as one in the trinity. God died like us - to resurrect because it is impossible to death being winning over him,to triumph over death and by those - to make us able resurrect to eternal life in heaven like him. That's the salvation of the cross. God shared our death and sin (death is caused by first sin !) to share with us spiritually his immortality !
Its spirit cooking, they use symbols of blood and flesh also, are you condoning this?
Rather you are claiming christianity and catholicism is the same like satanism, claiming it is about cannibalism. You understood nothing. You know nothing !
Checked more about those "spirit cooking". It is demonic parody of eucharisty, "consumption of flesh" or things being from flesh.It is joke and blasphemy against the spirit and spirituality.
"Same symbols" ? - almost true,but maliciously reversed meaning. Like reverted cross being symbol of Peter claiming he not deserves to die like his saviour Christ because that would be those pride (but the question is: maybe he sinned by that ?) which caused Jesus to criticize him and prophetize his 3 treasons the reverted cross it was adapted by them (satanists) to claim they not deserve and reject the Christ sacrifice. Parody and blasphemy...
Even claiming that spirit might be "cooked" by a man is blasphemy - unless it is really allowing by them to their spirits being cooked and devoured by satan consciously.Like it was written, like Jesus himself said:
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
If you are gnostic than you might are not far away from those satanists not noticing this truth,denying irremovable connection between human spirit and body like pagan Manichaeism. This is what they do by those parody - they reject the spirit,they reject their souls (giving it to the devil). Do you really think they might give the soul of innocent child to the devil by killing the child ? They may believe it,but god not allows that,only their souls would be damned if they will continue being servants of evil.
GOD has allowed his evil dominion over the earth and humanity for a predefined period.
When events took place at the beginning of mans history, Adam chose to take matters into his own hands rather than rely on God. Satan lied to Eve, and Adam gave in to her lack of judgement and experience.
Satan attempted to usurp Gods authority by doing this and was cast out of heaven, only to roam about the earth, having sway over human governments and people.
God will only allow this to continue for His predetermined time, and then will end it thru and by the authority of the one whom he sent forth to rule as a perfect King of His Kingdom, Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah who was crowned as the King in Heaven by God Himsef.
There are currently two Prime Ministers of Israel
Benjamin Netanyahu
Benny Gantz
Is one, both or neither pulling the string?
Or is it just Yossi Cohen?
Who is manipulating us?
So its not Benjamin Netanyahu or Benny Gantz, its Yossi Cohen?
I ask because I know Netanyahu and Obama hated each other.
I realize Mossad is the intelligence agency.
I realized that the DS is in countries all over the world.
I sure the DS controls Mossad.
It seems Israel might be split like the US is currently.
Any ideas on who is on the DS side, Netanyahu or Gantz?
Guys you realize the Jews that are in control of much of what you point out are NOT the Israelite jews of the Bible right? One thing that CANT happen here is having the true Jewish people maligned and set up and portrayed as some kind of evil cabal. We've already seen the results of that once in history. If we believe in God and the Bible like most everyone here claims to, we should all also understand that the Jewish people are STILL God's chosen people. I do NOT like the sentiment that I have seen here lately in that regard.
If you are a Christian you need to understand what Jesus said about the Jewish people, he being the promised Messiah, at Matthew 23:33-39. It was at this time that the Jewish people were told they were no longer the people chosen by God, but it would be those who accept Jesus Christ as Gods promised Messiah, True Christian's, who now would become a group of Gods chosen people. If you're a Jew, you may want to study very closely where your ancestors missed the prophesies about the promised Messiah and how you have been mislead ever since!
Yes they are. The Cohen and Levi bloodlines are kept track of. They will push the Noahide Laws. They are the Orthodox that the Atheist/Marxist Jew despises, like Karl Marx, aka Mordecai.
Read "To Eliminate the Opiate" for the Jew on Jew war.
However both sets of Jews have something in store for Catholic/Christian America that you will not enjoy.
Beheading for idolatry under the Noahide Laws.
Freemasonry and Qabballah working together.
You're a whacked crazy sob that provides no references to anything you claim!
You wouldnt be related to the rothschilds would you!!
Literally a Jew writing about the Rofschild cosmopolitan Jews.
Thanks for playing, simple bitch.
Verse please?
They want us divided.
Ok. I don't understand, is there documentation somewhere about all of this?
Like, why would MOSSAD, which is basically Israel Intelligence be installing people who hate their own country? Democrats for every have always tried to make Israel weak. What's their end game/goal?
Read the book "To Eliminate the Opiate" for a Jewish perspective on this Jewish cosmopolitan cabal that kills Orthodox Jews.
The Orthodox Jews push Noahide Laws so both are groups that seek to destroy Christian/Catholic America and Catholicism around the world.
The Catholic Church is evil though.
It depends which part...
Cabal almost wiped out Ortodoxy in Russia (not completely but after all that happened Ortodox church is severely weakened) and eastern Europe as powerful force able to resist,and Protestantism... well Protestantism is too divided and maybe even more vulnerable to subversion than Catholic Church. Protestantism "Founded by Freemasonery" ? Rather founded with support of jews and enemies of faith but in fact Protestantism was just good movement wanting to return to the principles of Bible lost because the church officials become too blinded by material things and world. Just things went wrong way because of satan and human ambition - just it was with Pope's schism against Orthodoxy (Bishop of Rome ambition of becoming monarch to resist tribal pagan "barbarian" rullers who conquered western roman empire - Jesus gave leadership to Peter, but really to his "successors" ?)
Personally despite being officially Catholic I think Catholicism is and was from a long time quite corrupted,but currently it is probably strongest and best organized faction of Christian believers.
An earlier reply from the same thread
Catholic (catholico) was established by Roman Emperor Constantine in the 300's in an effort to eliminate, or at least mitigate the religious division within the Empire. By then, Christianity had become so corrupted and twisted just as Jesus said it would, that those who claimed to be its leaders, had already been closely connected with Rome. Constantine got these corrupted leaders to agree to a central religion that would accept both pagan and by then corrupted christian teachings and they became known as CATHOLICS. Read your history of Catholicism.
It has been infiltrated by evil but the church itself was founded by Jesus Christ.
He renamed Simon Bar Jonah to Peter (which translates to Rock) and said upon Peter, Jesus would build his church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
Every other Protestant church is the result of Freemasonry. Freemasonry's #1 enemy is the Catholic church. Read Blavatsky's "ISIS Unveiled" to see why they tarted the Jesuits and Catholic church for infiltration. There's another good one called "A Plot Against the Church".
Think of it...the 12 Apostles...1 was wicked and refused to repent...does that negate the work of the rest? No!
Didn't Jesus call Peter Satan? Get behind me Satan.
Isn't Peter's sign an upside down cross, a Satanic symbol.
Didn't Peter teach the Eucharist, a ritual human sacrifice?
Didn't Peter deny Jesus three times?
Didn't Jesus say, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. Has Peter been converted yet?
It seems as if Jesus built his Church upon Satan.
When Jesus says, He would build his church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Seems to me that the Gates of Hell have been prevailing rampantly at the Catholic Church.
Why would the Catholic Church continue to preach Jesus if he was good and against evil?
It seems to me that the Catholic Church's Jesus is not the correct account of Jesus.
Don't you think the Gnostics have a better version of Christ. The Gnostics which the C.C. was adamant in stomping out of existence along with their texts. Then demonizing them as child sacrificers, accusing them of what the C.C. is actually doing. Where have we heard that before?
In my opinion if the Freemasons are the #1 enemy of the C.C. then they are righteous or there are two evil groups fighting for power.
If one of the 12 Apostles was wicked, how do you know that one Apostle was Judas and not Peter? The Gospel of Judas claims Judas was following Jesus' instructions.
Go away you blasphemous Jewish son of satan, because your words are true insult to Jesus and our holy faith !
Eucharist was created by Jesus Christ before his death you dumb !
Matthew 14:26-29
Mark 14:22-25
Luke 22:15-20
By the way - I don't say Catholic church isn't corrupted.It looks it is.
Ortodoxy believes in communion of blood and body - so bread and vine. Roman Catholicism gives the faithful only the bread,wine is drank only by the priest. (I think it may be wrong...) But are protestants better when many of protestants factions believe that are "just symbols" not understanding the importance of holy miracle of the real presence of Jesus in holy Eucharist ?! God himself not only with us but among us so near !
So much hate from a Christian.
You're anti-Semitism is showing.
Besides you use their book, the Old Testament.
Im not Jewish, I pointed to another form of Christianity...Gnosticism.
You obviously don't understand what Q is about.
You are dividing us by religion (Q drop 4535).
You are a detriment to this Q forum with that thinking. Wake Up. Question.
You have been brainwashed with fear, fear of questioning your faith.
Question everything. (Q drop 812)
The C.C. created the New Testament, and hijacked the OT to stomp out Jews, Hitler was backed by the C.C. , Hitler ran to South America where he was protected by the Jesuits after the war, but I sure you're okay with that.
Maybe you should go ahead and join Anti-Fa already, their ideals seem to align with yours perfectly. They use your flag and everything. (Q drop 4635)
Every Bible verse you quoted proves my point, the C.C.'s Jesus wants you to eat flesh and drink blood. Whenever a ritual involves blood, look the fuck out.
John 6:66 - Jesus lost all but 12 followers after he told them to eat flesh and drink blood.
Stop justifying ritual human sacrifice, it is what it says it is Blood and Flesh.
Its spirit cooking, they use symbols of blood and flesh also, are you condoning this?
You claim I want to divide people ? You are wrong. It is my duty as believer and Christian to bear the witness to the truth - whatever the cost. And to simply try save your soul. You attacked first, by blasphemies - I only defend the faith. And Q is NOT about "gnosticism" or so.
Go away satan(ist) with your evil blasphemies IT IS NOT ABOUT HUMAN BLOOD AND FLESH !
By the way - Isn't that sign of God you put those 6:66 here in claiming that holy eucharisty is equal to satanist "spirit cooking" ?! 1.It is all about Christ sacrifice on the cross and holy eucharisty is NOT "ritual cannibalism",it is a reminder that we by allowing to be disconnected from god by sin killed our lord and savior and spilled his blood - but simultaneously he gives us himself,his SPIRITUAL blood and body spilled - not simply to "eat",but to forgive us those cannibalistic nature and to transcend us it into once more united with our god and saviour ! That is of course only faulty simplification of gods miracle of the cross. We were like cannibals or worse by sin,we were like those cabal in the eyes of god - but we are redeemed from that by the Christ spiritual GOD NATURE to be children of god ! WE ARE REDEEMED BY THE CHRIST ! We need to only accept that truth and follow the Christ,the God - who loves us !!! 2.Christ was NOT just human, he was god who humbled himself to take human nature as his and to die for our sins to make us redeemed. He died not just as a man,he was dying as god united with our human nature,as one in the trinity. God died like us - to resurrect because it is impossible to death being winning over him,to triumph over death and by those - to make us able resurrect to eternal life in heaven like him. That's the salvation of the cross. God shared our death and sin (death is caused by first sin !) to share with us spiritually his immortality !
Checked more about those "spirit cooking". It is demonic parody of eucharisty, "consumption of flesh" or things being from flesh.It is joke and blasphemy against the spirit and spirituality. "Same symbols" ? - almost true,but maliciously reversed meaning. Like reverted cross being symbol of Peter claiming he not deserves to die like his saviour Christ because that would be those pride (but the question is: maybe he sinned by that ?) which caused Jesus to criticize him and prophetize his 3 treasons the reverted cross it was adapted by them (satanists) to claim they not deserve and reject the Christ sacrifice. Parody and blasphemy... Even claiming that spirit might be "cooked" by a man is blasphemy - unless it is really allowing by them to their spirits being cooked and devoured by satan consciously.Like it was written, like Jesus himself said:
If you are gnostic than you might are not far away from those satanists not noticing this truth,denying irremovable connection between human spirit and body like pagan Manichaeism. This is what they do by those parody - they reject the spirit,they reject their souls (giving it to the devil). Do you really think they might give the soul of innocent child to the devil by killing the child ? They may believe it,but god not allows that,only their souls would be damned if they will continue being servants of evil.
If you watch them all, I bet you'll come out the other side with a completely different perspective.
GOD has allowed his evil dominion over the earth and humanity for a predefined period.
When events took place at the beginning of mans history, Adam chose to take matters into his own hands rather than rely on God. Satan lied to Eve, and Adam gave in to her lack of judgement and experience.
Satan attempted to usurp Gods authority by doing this and was cast out of heaven, only to roam about the earth, having sway over human governments and people.
God will only allow this to continue for His predetermined time, and then will end it thru and by the authority of the one whom he sent forth to rule as a perfect King of His Kingdom, Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah who was crowned as the King in Heaven by God Himsef.
Genesis 3:1-19 Revelation 1:1-7