What Church preached before Bergolio. By the way if we are about Catholic Church then if is probably even in big part rather "what Church preached" before John XXIIIrd, than about those Jesuite antipope (when Pope lives and there is another Pope that means that one of them is just fake - so antipope) "Francis".
It is obvious than in Vatican we have satanist and homosexual lobby of bishops,case of "Panachama" is obvious example of this cancer in Vatican and Roman Catholic Church.I would even say that bishops who seemed still to be righteous did not enough fearing they could be called schismatic.
And going even deeper - technically I think even that Ortodoxia (Eastern Ortodox Catholic Church whose so called "superior" is in Constantinopole) was and is right in many things more than Roman church with its Pope.
There are many steps to the truth and we are all so blind.It is not so easy...
The thing is Church of god is under continous siege of Satan. There isn't "one and completely proper doctrine" today probably. Jesus promised his Church at the end will prevail over forces of hell,but did he ever promised it will be "intact" or said it would demand martyrdom of many his believers ? Aren't his teachings hard ?
And our quarrel here is unnecessary,might be even harmful for Q movement.Because Q is mostly about our world not the theology. Not the religious doctrine being about God's kingdom not being material,but about our material world. The thing is of course there are people guided by God and being tools in his hands. Like Roman emperors from Constantine were really for Christianity - you call this "evil" (why - because of proseliting jews ? Are you a Jew ? All religions were or are proseliting even Jewish one !), I call this God's plan and will.Plan which caused there is more than billion (in US convention: so thousand million) Christians - Ortodox,Roman Catholic and Protestant on the globe - and maybe will be still more. I hope Q is meant to break or expose those serving satan and being against the God.To save us or at least our souls if not our material bodies.
What Church preached before Bergolio. By the way if we are about Catholic Church then if is probably even in big part rather "what Church preached" before John XXIIIrd, than about those Jesuite antipope (when Pope lives and there is another Pope that means that one of them is just fake - so antipope) "Francis".
The papacy was evil long before John XXIII.
Pope Damasus I (366-384) - People who lived during Damasus’s rule saw an astringent day where ladies and youngsters were purchased and sold as slaves to build funds for the congregation at Damasus’ church. The individuals who resisted the domineering principle of Damasus would be tormented and truly blazed alive after their properties were seized and utilized for chapel assigned purposes. More awful fact is that the ladies forced into prostitution were not generally basic subjects of Rome, but rather female ministers and nuns themselves
John XII (955-964)-The people of Vatican have surely experienced the worse of the world with their evil popes. Pope John XII was among them but with more libido than any of his contemporaries. He became pope when he was only 18 years old, and immediately developed a reputation of rape and deviant sexual activity. He allegedly raped his two sisters regularly, obtained a 10-year-old bishop, and refused to make the sign of the cross. Even worse, he invoked pagan gods when gambling. Pope John XII also took particular enjoyment in having sex around the Vatican’s most holy sites like the tombs of St. Peter and St. Paul. He had sex with women and men in the papal palace, and he held massive orgies wherever he wanted. When visitors refused his attentions, he went ahead and raped them anyway. Apart from raping, he also castrated and then murdered a cardinal as well as blinded and murdered his confessor. His 9 years of reign ended after his death when an outraged husband caught him in bed with his wife. He had a son who became Pope John XIII who died the exact same way. Like father , like son perhaps?
Pope Benedict IX (1032-1048) - Having ruled in discontinuous periods, this pope had a wicked personality hidden behind the face as a priest. He is reported to have achieved papacy due to a socially stronger family background. Pope Benedict IX was someone who would sell papacy for great sums of money which is also evident by the fact that he gave up papacy twice during his reign for gold and money. He was accused of adultery, homosexuality and even bestiality, all qualities which are unthinkable of a holy person.
Pope Urban II (1088-1099) -For a reference to realize the atrocities committed by Pope Urban II, Hitler is known to have ordered the killing of around 6 million Jews during the Holocaust. Pope Urban II was the benchmark for where the wrongdoings against mankind and God got to be genocidal. Between the years 1096-1099 Pope Urban II requested the butcher of approximately ten million individuals where there were men and ladies yet for the most part kids in endeavors to secure Belgrade, the Orthodox Church of Constantinople in Yugoslavia and additionally Turkey, Syria, Antioch and Palestine. This pope, based upon the facts mentioned, is on 2nd number for the most evil popes in the history of Christianity.
Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) - Though he wasn’t as bloodthirsty as his predecessor, he was known to be an aid and abetted in mass murders of over one million people during his papacy period between 1198 and 1216. He also began a Crusade against the Albigenses where he was known to order the butcher of thousands of individuals in inhumane ways.
Even though he was after John XXIII, my favorite;
Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) - He was an epitome of merciless and cruel nature and indeed an insane personality. He was known to be Hitler’s Pope. This insane and evil pope suggested Hitler the use of such barbaric ways to execute non-Catholic minorities including setting individuals on fire, cannibalism, live dismemberment of body parts and beating up with those parts until death. Not only did his hideous nature account for this, he also aided the war criminals of Croatia under the name of Catholic Ustashi and committed mass murders of more than 600,000 people which make it really hard to realize the magnitude of his malevolent and sinister nature. Thus he tops the list of the most evil pope in the history of mankind.
There are several after John XXII.
Benedict was/is a Nazi, is this why you accept him as the real pope? ;)
You need to make up your mind, either Im a Gnostic or a Jew, because Gnostics see the Jewish god and your god (OT god) as an evil god. Q has already exposed the Catholic Church as Evil, now you need to decide if he is correct.
Ive said my peace, if you reply to this post, I will not be replying back. I've enjoyed listing to your perspective and hope we can leave on good terms, I hold no ill will towards you and hope to see you around the forum. All will be revealed sooner or later.
Benedict was/is a Nazi, is this why you accept him as the real pope? ;)
Technically forced into joining Hitlerjugend at age of 16 (It was compulsory for all german kids), and in 1944 after being forced to German army deserted,and quite soon surrendered to Americans spending the rest time as POW.
Pope Urban II (1088-1099) -For a reference to realize the atrocities committed by Pope Urban II
You mean crushades then ? There were of course also political reasons being result of greed too (Middle Ages),but Crushades were really DEFENCE against islam expansion. In fact what begun in islamic conquer of Christian lands in VIIth century was persecution of Christians and Jews living in those lands as well as Pilgrims including crucifying,killing,burning temples and monastries. In fact it is the Byzantium Emperor Alexios I Kommenos who asked Pope for help with defending Christian against violent islam.Despite pride,despite the fact only 40 years earlier Roman Catholic Church was called "Schismatic" and "Heretic" after quarrel between Patriarch of Constantinopole and Pope.
To make it clear jews were also prosecuted by muslims. And ok - of course crushaders were comparing to our times violent and brutal.They were not so humanitarian like the european armies in XXth and XXIth century.But armies of islam... they were comparable to today's ISIS, what do you expect - they deserved to be wiped out*. It was just self defence,and thing that Crushaders instead of pledging loyalty to Constantinopole created their own kingdom of Jerusalem that other crushades also harmed Bizantine people and so on - Middle ages were quite barbarian era,and West was barbarian primitive and tribal comparing it to Bizantine empire. Rullers murdering and torturing members of their own families for power, common slave trade and Church trying to civilize those all barbarians - Church being tiny island of civilization (in comparison to the tribal western kingdoms). Those early medieval rullers were unable to read and write and not only that was the problem.Do you think pope Urban II controlled directly what those people do or can do ? It was natural self defence, Urban II maybe wanted do it good,but things ended "as always"... Does America or Russia did only good things during fighting against ISIS ? So what you expect of people living in dark ages almost 1000 years ago ?!
Because Gnostics see the Jewish god and your god (OT god) as an evil god
So simply you are not Christian,like you earlier said it looks accept Sorcery and despite of that you claim you are against the cabal... Well I simply don't trust you,and more and more you write I am guessing
how it is possible person like you could ever support Q instead of cabal.
PS: And ISIS is obvious enemy responsible for human traficking,raping kids,destroying and robbing cultural heritage, torture and manslaugther. Even try to protect them in discussion and you know what I will do with you and what mods will do with you - even if you pretend to be supporting Q.
I said I ended with you,but ok...
What Church preached before Bergolio. By the way if we are about Catholic Church then if is probably even in big part rather "what Church preached" before John XXIIIrd, than about those Jesuite antipope (when Pope lives and there is another Pope that means that one of them is just fake - so antipope) "Francis".
It is obvious than in Vatican we have satanist and homosexual lobby of bishops,case of "Panachama" is obvious example of this cancer in Vatican and Roman Catholic Church.I would even say that bishops who seemed still to be righteous did not enough fearing they could be called schismatic.
And going even deeper - technically I think even that Ortodoxia (Eastern Ortodox Catholic Church whose so called "superior" is in Constantinopole) was and is right in many things more than Roman church with its Pope.
There are many steps to the truth and we are all so blind.It is not so easy...
The thing is Church of god is under continous siege of Satan. There isn't "one and completely proper doctrine" today probably. Jesus promised his Church at the end will prevail over forces of hell,but did he ever promised it will be "intact" or said it would demand martyrdom of many his believers ? Aren't his teachings hard ?
And our quarrel here is unnecessary,might be even harmful for Q movement.Because Q is mostly about our world not the theology. Not the religious doctrine being about God's kingdom not being material,but about our material world. The thing is of course there are people guided by God and being tools in his hands. Like Roman emperors from Constantine were really for Christianity - you call this "evil" (why - because of proseliting jews ? Are you a Jew ? All religions were or are proseliting even Jewish one !), I call this God's plan and will.Plan which caused there is more than billion (in US convention: so thousand million) Christians - Ortodox,Roman Catholic and Protestant on the globe - and maybe will be still more. I hope Q is meant to break or expose those serving satan and being against the God.To save us or at least our souls if not our material bodies.
The papacy was evil long before John XXIII.
Pope Damasus I (366-384) - People who lived during Damasus’s rule saw an astringent day where ladies and youngsters were purchased and sold as slaves to build funds for the congregation at Damasus’ church. The individuals who resisted the domineering principle of Damasus would be tormented and truly blazed alive after their properties were seized and utilized for chapel assigned purposes. More awful fact is that the ladies forced into prostitution were not generally basic subjects of Rome, but rather female ministers and nuns themselves
John XII (955-964)-The people of Vatican have surely experienced the worse of the world with their evil popes. Pope John XII was among them but with more libido than any of his contemporaries. He became pope when he was only 18 years old, and immediately developed a reputation of rape and deviant sexual activity. He allegedly raped his two sisters regularly, obtained a 10-year-old bishop, and refused to make the sign of the cross. Even worse, he invoked pagan gods when gambling. Pope John XII also took particular enjoyment in having sex around the Vatican’s most holy sites like the tombs of St. Peter and St. Paul. He had sex with women and men in the papal palace, and he held massive orgies wherever he wanted. When visitors refused his attentions, he went ahead and raped them anyway. Apart from raping, he also castrated and then murdered a cardinal as well as blinded and murdered his confessor. His 9 years of reign ended after his death when an outraged husband caught him in bed with his wife. He had a son who became Pope John XIII who died the exact same way. Like father , like son perhaps?
Pope Benedict IX (1032-1048) - Having ruled in discontinuous periods, this pope had a wicked personality hidden behind the face as a priest. He is reported to have achieved papacy due to a socially stronger family background. Pope Benedict IX was someone who would sell papacy for great sums of money which is also evident by the fact that he gave up papacy twice during his reign for gold and money. He was accused of adultery, homosexuality and even bestiality, all qualities which are unthinkable of a holy person.
Pope Urban II (1088-1099) -For a reference to realize the atrocities committed by Pope Urban II, Hitler is known to have ordered the killing of around 6 million Jews during the Holocaust. Pope Urban II was the benchmark for where the wrongdoings against mankind and God got to be genocidal. Between the years 1096-1099 Pope Urban II requested the butcher of approximately ten million individuals where there were men and ladies yet for the most part kids in endeavors to secure Belgrade, the Orthodox Church of Constantinople in Yugoslavia and additionally Turkey, Syria, Antioch and Palestine. This pope, based upon the facts mentioned, is on 2nd number for the most evil popes in the history of Christianity.
Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) - Though he wasn’t as bloodthirsty as his predecessor, he was known to be an aid and abetted in mass murders of over one million people during his papacy period between 1198 and 1216. He also began a Crusade against the Albigenses where he was known to order the butcher of thousands of individuals in inhumane ways.
Even though he was after John XXIII, my favorite;
Pope Pius XII (1939-1958) - He was an epitome of merciless and cruel nature and indeed an insane personality. He was known to be Hitler’s Pope. This insane and evil pope suggested Hitler the use of such barbaric ways to execute non-Catholic minorities including setting individuals on fire, cannibalism, live dismemberment of body parts and beating up with those parts until death. Not only did his hideous nature account for this, he also aided the war criminals of Croatia under the name of Catholic Ustashi and committed mass murders of more than 600,000 people which make it really hard to realize the magnitude of his malevolent and sinister nature. Thus he tops the list of the most evil pope in the history of mankind.
There are several after John XXII.
Benedict was/is a Nazi, is this why you accept him as the real pope? ;)
You need to make up your mind, either Im a Gnostic or a Jew, because Gnostics see the Jewish god and your god (OT god) as an evil god. Q has already exposed the Catholic Church as Evil, now you need to decide if he is correct.
Ive said my peace, if you reply to this post, I will not be replying back. I've enjoyed listing to your perspective and hope we can leave on good terms, I hold no ill will towards you and hope to see you around the forum. All will be revealed sooner or later.
Technically forced into joining Hitlerjugend at age of 16 (It was compulsory for all german kids), and in 1944 after being forced to German army deserted,and quite soon surrendered to Americans spending the rest time as POW.
You mean crushades then ? There were of course also political reasons being result of greed too (Middle Ages),but Crushades were really DEFENCE against islam expansion. In fact what begun in islamic conquer of Christian lands in VIIth century was persecution of Christians and Jews living in those lands as well as Pilgrims including crucifying,killing,burning temples and monastries. In fact it is the Byzantium Emperor Alexios I Kommenos who asked Pope for help with defending Christian against violent islam.Despite pride,despite the fact only 40 years earlier Roman Catholic Church was called "Schismatic" and "Heretic" after quarrel between Patriarch of Constantinopole and Pope.
To make it clear jews were also prosecuted by muslims. And ok - of course crushaders were comparing to our times violent and brutal.They were not so humanitarian like the european armies in XXth and XXIth century.But armies of islam... they were comparable to today's ISIS, what do you expect - they deserved to be wiped out*. It was just self defence,and thing that Crushaders instead of pledging loyalty to Constantinopole created their own kingdom of Jerusalem that other crushades also harmed Bizantine people and so on - Middle ages were quite barbarian era,and West was barbarian primitive and tribal comparing it to Bizantine empire. Rullers murdering and torturing members of their own families for power, common slave trade and Church trying to civilize those all barbarians - Church being tiny island of civilization (in comparison to the tribal western kingdoms). Those early medieval rullers were unable to read and write and not only that was the problem.Do you think pope Urban II controlled directly what those people do or can do ? It was natural self defence, Urban II maybe wanted do it good,but things ended "as always"... Does America or Russia did only good things during fighting against ISIS ? So what you expect of people living in dark ages almost 1000 years ago ?!
So simply you are not Christian,like you earlier said it looks accept Sorcery and despite of that you claim you are against the cabal... Well I simply don't trust you,and more and more you write I am guessing how it is possible person like you could ever support Q instead of cabal.