I’m not a Christian. I’m avowedly conservative.
My values and life revolves around family and honor.
More and more it is clear that we are fighting an adversary that is, for lack of a better term, evil. Evil, simply doesn’t do it justice.
It’s depravity. Perverse unnatural depravity.
What is there to prevent those of us that follow different religious paths from being lumped in with these perverts?
What concerns me is that zealots can be found in both liberal and conservative varieties.
Being villainized by communists because I oppose abortion, support President Trump, only to be accused of being a witch or Satanist because I wear a wolfshead torq and Mjolnir pendant puts me and my family walking on social eggshells.
Yeah you get painted into a corner whether you want to be there or not. The left is the master of stereotyping even if they say they are against it.
I get weird looks from lefty pagans that are really confused that I’m conservative, long time Republican, big Trump fan, 2A supporter, pro-life...
One that throws most people off is that I’m a huge believer in psychedelics... if they are used right. Lots of Christians think that is opening the door up to Satan, but it did nothing but show me the truth and strengthen my faith in my God.
Heathens and mushrooms go way back.
Ever wonder why Santa is red and white?