I’m not a Christian. I’m avowedly conservative.
My values and life revolves around family and honor.
More and more it is clear that we are fighting an adversary that is, for lack of a better term, evil. Evil, simply doesn’t do it justice.
It’s depravity. Perverse unnatural depravity.
What is there to prevent those of us that follow different religious paths from being lumped in with these perverts?
Interesting question.
I've never personally researched it very deeply, but I would be surprised if there were not direct parallels in all religions across the world of the concept of evil, beyond those of Judeo Christian origin.
As much as Muslims are derided, a very large swathe of their tenets is a direct appropriation from Judeo Christian teachings. Not the goat fucking and beheading mind you... Lol. But there's much good that they "culturally appropriated" which is most likely the fuel that captures good people's hearts in the first place, stolen or not.
There is much wisdom in 'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you'. This negates much bad behaviour instantly, because once you reverse perspectives you realise what an abomination acting like an evil dick really is on the world. And conversely, how much good comes from spreading love and kindness to all you encounter.
There is good in every (non-Satanic) religion to be gleaned. To claim that the ONLY way to God is Christianity when there is a very large number of people on Earth who live good and worthwhile lives without it, seems a stretch to me, personally. And this is coming from someone with a Judeo Christian background, so go figga ma diggaz.