The ruling class of the bolsheviks were jewish, about 5% of them. That 5% made up nearly all of the soviet government.
Their claim of atheism was nothing more than propaganda. There are strong ties a significant amount of evidence to suggest that most if not all communist governments werent actually jewish. As are the masons, which was mostly jewish in the 19th centruy, where it was claimed that masonic jews had "manipulated Masonic ideology and international connections for nefarious purposes."
Sounds familiar right?
Pope Leo XIII branded Freemasonry an enemy of “religion and society”: in his 1884 encyclical Humanum Genus, Leo claimed that Freemasons wanted to replace a Kingdom of God on earth by a kingdom of Satan under Freemason control.
!894, the italian government tried to weed out masonic jews from their ranks but failed to do so. Which lead to a jewish italian communist party.
So the stage is set leading up to the world wars. With russia, germany, italy, and the church all fairly vocal about who the enemy is or was.
Books and new articles written in america in the 40's shows the infatuation that american jews had with jewish soviet communism. They idolized it.
Even now, the "cabal", or the ruling families of the world are all jewish. Thats not coincidence nor is it surprising. All religions have took their attempts at world domination. One world government also means one religion. The church and the crusades, the spread of islam, and the jewish ruling families. Wars and propaganda, but none have been as sneaky about their plans or as successful as the jewish ruling families are today.
The ruling class of the bolsheviks were jewish, about 5% of them. That 5% made up nearly all of the soviet government.
Their claim of atheism was nothing more than propaganda. There are strong ties a significant amount of evidence to suggest that most if not all communist governments werent actually jewish. As are the masons, which was mostly jewish in the 19th centruy, where it was claimed that masonic jews had "manipulated Masonic ideology and international connections for nefarious purposes."
Sounds familiar right?
Pope Leo XIII branded Freemasonry an enemy of “religion and society”: in his 1884 encyclical Humanum Genus, Leo claimed that Freemasons wanted to replace a Kingdom of God on earth by a kingdom of Satan under Freemason control.
!894, the italian government tried to weed out masonic jews from their ranks but failed to do so. Which lead to a jewish italian communist party.
So the stage is set leading up to the world wars. With russia, germany, italy, and the church all fairly vocal about who the enemy is or was.
Books and new articles written in america in the 40's shows the infatuation that american jews had with jewish soviet communism. They idolized it.
Even now, the "cabal", or the ruling families of the world are all jewish. Thats not coincidence nor is it surprising. All religions have took their attempts at world domination. One world government also means one religion. The church and the crusades, the spread of islam, and the jewish ruling families. Wars and propaganda, but none have been as sneaky about their plans or as successful as the jewish ruling families are today.