Over the weekend I followed a link to a NYT article where Hilary was ( in the last week?) referencing Qanon alongside references to many of her alleged misdemeanours. This morning whilst queueing next to the newspaper stand I scanned all the front pages.Normally they all go with Covid related crap. Rothschild controlled Guardian had its front page dedicated to the Queen complete with large photograph( in purple) and a story of how she tried to hide her wealth and income from the people. This story is a result of a recent search of the National Archives and goes back to the 70’s.
The connection and relevance. The Hilary email trove contained exchanges with Lynn Forester de Rothschild where Hilary seems to be grovelling and apologetic( not one of her traits). I think the NYT article is a hit piece on her to prepare for her being thrown under the bus.
The Queen is ( perceived) as a 95 year old granny. We are in crisis and she is head of state her husband is 99years old. Why publish a front page hit piece on her?
Is it because they are pulling up the ladder because they have calculated that her favourite son is one of the Worlds 10 most wanted? Coupled with Charles and his friends ( Greta and Schwab) and Harry being persona non grata in the UK. It’s looking grim for the monarchy.
I so hope you are right.
Intuitive or insider?
Because you are spot on.