Eddie Griffin the comedian was a close friend of his and actually was the first one there to the house when he passed. He told the story one night at our local comedy club (shortly after the death). It was after the comedy and was just Eddie redpilling folks. He was adamant at how MJ actually was a normal guy around people he trusted and had zero pedo red flags to people who knew him. Knowing what we know now it’s very easy to see how he was more than likely tormented and controlled all of his life. It was a very raw conversation Eddie gave to us and many on the fence I’m sure left thinking more clearly about MJ.
Eddie Griffin the comedian was a close friend of his and actually was the first one there to the house when he passed. He told the story one night at our local comedy club (shortly after the death). It was after the comedy and was just Eddie redpilling folks. He was adamant at how MJ actually was a normal guy around people he trusted and had zero pedo red flags to people who knew him. Knowing what we know now it’s very easy to see how he was more than likely tormented and controlled all of his life. It was a very raw conversation Eddie gave to us and many on the fence I’m sure left thinking more clearly about MJ.