Respectfully, it's not necessarily about that. It's about opening their minds to the possibilities that what they see isn't reality. That's what we're up against and if they can begin to question on their own what they see in the media then that's half the battle. I think people get into this black and white world where it's all in or out but that's not reality. I believe when patriot Mike pillow man says the vaccine is the mark of the beast, it's not about that, it's about shocking people with something that may sound ridiculous but what you are doing is planting a seed that it opens their minds too. Those who listened to Zig Ziglar know what I am talking about.
Respectfully, it's not necessarily about that. It's about opening their minds to the possibilities that what they see isn't reality. That's what we're up against and if they can begin to question on their own what they see in the media then that's half the battle. I think people get into this black and white world where it's all in or out but that's not reality. I believe when patriot Mike pillow man says the vaccine is the mark of the beast, it's not about that, it's about shocking people with something that may sound ridiculous but what you are doing is planting a seed that it opens their minds too. Those who listened to Zig Ziglar know what I am talking about.