Ok, so I've just done a bit of digging on the Presidential Transition Act of 1963 (+the Enhancement Act of 2019), and the General Services Administration, which led me to this: https://presidentialtransition.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/05/GSA-MOU-and-Trump-Transition.pdf
The Eligible Candidate, as a condition of receiving services and office space. shall disclose to the Administrator the date of contribution, source , amount, and expenditure of all monetary contributions, Including currency of the United States and of any foreign nation, checks, money orders, or any other negotiable instruments payable on demand , received for use In the preparation of the Eligible Candidate for the assumption of official duties as President. Disclosures made under this paragraph shall be In the form of a report to the Administrator by February 19, 2017. The report shall be made available to the public by the Administrator upon receipt
GSA will supply software and equipment, and the equipment will be returned by February 19, 2017. This equipment will be Inventoried and all data on these devices will be deleted.
So February 19th is shaking up to be an important day on multiple fronts... We have Sidney/Lin/PA SCOTUS cases, but also it appears that it's a deadline for Bidan's transition team...
So, then I go to try to double-check and reference Biden's Memorandum of Understanding: https://presidentialtransition.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/09/2020_MOU_between_GSA_and_Eligible_Candidate_Biden.pdf
Motherfucker ain't even searchable... If you do ctrl+f "F" (as in February) it highlights all the W's...
So then I try "G" (as in GSA) and it highlights all the X's...
Now I'm starting to notice a pattern... ROT-17 ... I repeat ROT-SEVENTEEN
(caesar cipher, look it up on ddg if you aren't familiar)
If I'm correct in this guess, then when I ctrl+f "H" it should return all the Y's... lemme check real quick, aaaaaaand sure enough, BANG BISCUIT!!!
Now, I'm gonna spare you the details and just give you the raw data of the rest of my findings. Below will be 4 columns: input (what you type into ctrl+f), output (what gets highlighted), occurrences (# of times it appears in the document), notes (a '✔' indicates that I verified that each occurrence is the stated letter; I only looked at those with fewer than 100 results, and there are exceptions in this doc, it's not a perfect 1-for-1 substitution)...
a => r 1229
b s 1045
c t 1710
d u 420
e v 181
f w 155
g x 44 ✔
h y 247
i z 25 ✔
j § 2 ✔
k " 1 ✔
l {?} 4 unknown, perhaps {redacted}
m n/a 0
n n/a 0
o n/a 0
p n/a 0
q n/a 0
r n/a 0
s n/a 0
t n/a 0
u n/a 0
v n/a 0
w n/a 0
x n/a 0
y n/a 0
z n/a 0
0 a 1293
1 b 278
2 c 644
3 d 779
4 e 2484
5 f 537
6 g 262
7 h 637
8 i 1635
9 j 1 ✔
! l 44 n=21, 'i';n=22, 'i' ... possibly others, hard to spot
@ q 46 ✔
# n 66 ✔
$ o 113
% p 147
^ n/a
& q 6 ✔
* u 36 ✔ n=27, 'a'
( s 183
) t 204
- y 8 ✔
_ n/a
= n 1394
+ v 23 ✔
[ n/a
] n/a
\ n/a
{ n/a
} n/a
| n/a
` n/a
~ n/a
; l 759
' r 65 ✔
: k 33 ✔
" m 39 ✔
, w 11 n=2, ' '; n=4, 'c'
. [,e 2 n=1, '['; n=2, 'e'
/ ] 1 ✔
< m 388
> o 1236
? p 479
TLDR- Biden's MOU is encrypted with a modified ROT-17 caesar cipher
I archived the pdf here:
Feel free to copy and post on 8k too...
EDIT to add: Do any of you guys happen to remember the post from someone who was on the Flynn forensics team analyzing the Antrim machines? He was crowdsourcing the decryption of some encrypted files in their machines and a couple users here (or maybe it was on thedonald/patriots.win) was a big help in cracking it... I tried to find those posts so I could tag the helpful users, but no luck searching both here and patriots.win. If you know what I'm talking about and can find the post, please comment below or tag the OP. Cheers!
(tried to edit my submission but it screwed up the formatting so I'll just leave it here, pls upvote parent comment for visibility if this gets buried)
That post was from Nekroziz, but I don't believe he's into the Q stuff much and he hasn't ever posted here.
But the guy that helped him posted here once 2 days ago and is 8thGenPatriot if you wanted to send him a message or something.
The original thread has been deleted or lost. I was able to pull a cached version from google though.
YES!!! You nailed it. Thanks, bud.
Does user summoning work here like it does on reddit or do I need to dm?
Wow, people remember me?
I really don't deserve that. All I did was run a few strings of text through some cipher programs. I don't even know if Nekroziz was able to make use of my data. It could have all been one giant coincidence, but I do find it highly improbable that I was able to generate the name of the county that the data came from without prior knowledge.
No problem.
I knew the exact post you were referring to cuz I've had DMs with Nekroziz and follow him pretty closely, especially now with the Maricopa County bs going on.
Yeah I believe tagging him should do the trick, but I haven't actually ever used it myself on any of the .win communites.
Archived just in case! https://archive.is/SXnCL Thanks for all the work you're putting into this ????⚖️??️???️?
? Well, shit.
If I had scrolled down a bit more I would have seen that u/ElectionPedictor already archived it~
( ◐ ̼ ̫ ◑ )