No one should be banned based on word use, but based on context.
There is a word out there that sounds like a racist term but has nothing to do with it:
Niggardly - Someone who is extremely stingy.
The only sin this word committed was that it sounds like the bad word.
I believe the N word can be used if we are discussing it and using it as a historical context. It should also be accept as a term of endearment between friends.
As a racist term, then that's a different problem.
Can we get a poll on whether to keep certain mods? His post started this whole argument amongst ourselves. I haven't been here very long but that has been the most inflammatory post I've seen thus far. I have not seen anyone use the "N" word anywhere on these forums. If they do use it then we downvote the shit out of their post and let them know we don't agree with what they say.