Illegal immigrants taking homes over in Hungary
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I thought Hungary had a super based anti illegal/ anti migrant policy + wall?
Exactly. Story is 100% manufactured. Designed to evoke a “global threat” reactionary emotion. Purpose: fabricate “evidence”. Use scenario: send maximum # of refugees, weekly to US-> upon public outrage/exposure stage protest ->msm reports immigrants are assaulted-> uses Hungary piece to explain new “terrorism”/radicalization in US
Not trying to be a dick, but Hungary/Austria/Romania/Siberia got a dark side we ain’t seen yet. (Google Hungary’s version of Easter, you’ll see)
Uh no... the global cabal facilitates the slow or fast influx of loyalist invaders who steal, rape and pillage. Just take a look at Sweden and the UK, and they are trying to do it here on our Mexican border.
I remember the Soros bused, Disney clothed families marching up with flip flops that were EXPOSED not to long ago. Anyone else?