I peak in here every now and then and quickly become lost with some random pointing to numbers.
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I understand what you are trying to imply but I don't think that word is necessary to banter around - there are far to many people who use it in their daily discussions. I don't give a rip about 'edgyness', I care about people.
I'm not implying anything, I specifically laid it out.
The point is that it's not necessary. What is a canary doing in a coal mine other than acting as a measuring tool? The canary serves no purpose other than as a warning.
If you care about people, you care about the free flowing exchange of information. "I don't give a rip about 'edgyness'" means you should embrace the word, that was why I said forget about the 'edgyness'.
No....I will not embrace a word that has intentionally been used to harm people both emotionally and physically. You can try to coat it any way you want, I am glad the Mods are not allowing it. Consider this....if we followed your line of thinking then there would be no laws, after all we would be blocking people from doing whatever it is they choose to do regardless of the consequences. I'm sure that Antifa and BLM would happily agree with your thoughts...afterall, they have no regard for human life or dignity. No...as a society we must have rules in order to hold to civil discourse and behaviors.
Alright buddy, didn't mean to make you mad.
I thought I'd shine a light on why people push to use that word on information boards like this one, but I guess you would rather live in your comfort bubble.
Don't let a word hold so much power in your mind. It's not healthy.
There you go again, twisting what I'm saying into what you want it to be.
These are two contrasting opinions. You posted these quotes within 30 minutes of eachother.
Does it concern you, or do you not give a rip?
I find it quite interesting that you take that tack...you obviously are not following along the conversation that I have been having with another pede and instead have chosen to pick and choose specific portions of the conversation. How interesting...
You made a conflicting statement. I can ask you to reconcile.
Don't be so emotional. This isn't a personal attack on you, we are all on the same team.
I'm not taking it personally. I don't think it's conflicting at all.