The reality ?? Theory ??
posted ago by OneNationUnderGod176 ago by OneNationUnderGod176 +34 / -2

This is not a deadline for Q nor is it a doom post. These are nothing, but facts.

  1. The Republic cannot survive four years of Biden nor two years of both the house and the senate in demoncrap hands
  2. SCOTUS is utterly worthless and far from stopping these ppl from destroying our freedoms and our nation, will actually help them. (I.E Warrant-less searches for gun confiscation)
  3. There will be no fair elections in the future ( "For the People" Bill)
  4. The current power wielders will lead this country into a civil, and later a world wide nuclear war. This will not be by design, but is merely the nature of a beast without constraints.
  5. In less than one year, states will start seceding from the union. They will not stand for the Paris Climate Accord. This agreement will start the ball rolling towards a nuclear war.
  6. Long before Beijing Joe's reign is over, our nation will be bankrupted and will be in absolute chaos.

If Q/military doesn't act before or on the 1st of April this year, then nothing will stop this from happening. Things can't go on like this longer than that.

What to do if nothing happens by the 1st of April

  1. Move to a state that is planning to secede. TX, SD, and LA are a guaranteed bet.
  2. Move to a rural area
  3. Stock up on weapons, food, water or anything else you can afford.
  4. Support your state 100% in regards to secession.