229 ((OC)) My girlfriend made this for your enjoyment and distribution. Do her a favor and show her some love, please? She'd be ecstatic to see this on social media somewhere. (media.greatawakening.win) ? SHITPOST ? posted 4 years ago by Notafraidofmoloch 4 years ago by Notafraidofmoloch +231 / -2 10 comments download share 10 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
That is an ugly picture of the leader of china. What did she do to his face to make him look like that?
Could also be confused for Gretchen Whitmer.
Nice! Posted on my Gab with the heading Nasty Nanxi.
I usually steal memes but this is too close. Too close.
Resemblance is uncanny
She needs to make another one with some kind of coof mask, and we can compare the updoots.
those ping pong ball eyes look so real...amazing
Updoot for your gf!