Hot_N_Throbbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's funny to me how stupid people are to not notice these things. Attention to detail has to be focused on.

Hot_N_Throbbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

For those unable to click the link I will try to find a different source, but basically Netanyahu and his wife approach Trump, he first gives the woman the foreign-style kiss on each cheek...

Then just as we saw on the capitulation tour with Trump and his visits to countless world leaders, he shakes Netanyahu's hand but he basically pulls him in; hes done this many a time before, the pulling around, letting us know that he is in fact the one in control of that particular leader.

Hot_N_Throbbin 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hmm so no 25th amendment huh? Deep state trying to audible the playbook is all it really is.

Hot_N_Throbbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Love it 🙏🏼🙏🏼

1 of 3 pics in that, there was probably 1000 people there sporting the ear bandage cause it was a thing, no way they accidentally chose the one with 6:11 on it for this trifold photoshare.

Hot_N_Throbbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

& if you arent on Instagram, you are sleepin on one of the most important short form digital battlefields out aside from TickTock. Even Treads is redpill central right now, but still allows for redpilling beyond my own echo chambery algorithm.


Hot_N_Throbbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wish i coulda went 😭😭😭

Hot_N_Throbbin 11 points ago +11 / -0

My friend works at a Fifth Third Bank here in SE MI and she just sent me a picture of her BSOD, the bank is currently closed until it gets resolved

Hot_N_Throbbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

The fact that I am seeing this here and I'm one of the 200k and the algorithms are easing up is absolutely wild to me

Hot_N_Throbbin 8 points ago +8 / -0

I blew up all of their social medias from different accounts. I suggest we all do the same, they deserve every bit of hate. D was one of my fuckin all time fave bands, now they are totally dead to me. Loyal fan since day 1 and they will never recover from this.

I wonder if they were forced to orchestrate their own demise..

Good riddance.

Hot_N_Throbbin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Maybe he wants him front and center?... Maybe he will fire him 2 months in? ... Maybe hes been playing different roles?.. Maybe hes the right pick..?

Hot_N_Throbbin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Missed my chance to go, it sold out super fast but a friend of mine lives right downtown & was sending me vids..

The Detroit River was jam-packed bumping with all kinds of trump flag flying vessels...

Super packed tho all kinds of people the few people said it was jam packed, super high energy, everyone was super happy and cool with eachother.

Aloooootta brothas for Trump she said... ALOT...

Michigan IS red, no /u intended 🤣

Hot_N_Throbbin 4 points ago +5 / -1

slaps knees WELP I guess ill open this on the pc in ms paint

Hot_N_Throbbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah a bit but eat painc press forward power thru stay strapped, grateful and kind, dont sweat petty things dont pet sweaty things, and trust the plan.

Impending possible doom can drain you lol

I personally enjoy Jordan Petersons book list, audiobook them on yt most are on there.. Also run Tate aaand Fresh & fit podcast they personally helped me stay a bit more positive and optimistic..

Behind on a TON of shit this year too, the struggle is reeeeal but fightfightfight and praypraypray..

Procrastinators unite.... Tomorrow!,

Hot_N_Throbbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

1st n 2nd pic: A "picture of a pride parade.

  1. "heterosexual pride parade", impressive job on the float lettering by the AI tbh..

  2. The guy is literally hitler omg.

  3. "straight white people partying, which ALMOST got it right til I saw the man in the dress.... like the AI is already so preconditioned that it absolutely HAS to be inclusive..

Nothing much different than the other AI just another instance of the same shit we've been seeing, like Black George Washington or whatever 😂

Hot_N_Throbbin 24 points ago +24 / -0

This is peak dreamlike datefagging; I like it.

Hot_N_Throbbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's that dang word again lol

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