Merkel's Climate Crisis Takes An Interesting Twist as Germany's Solar Output Fails Under Heavy Snowfall - Replaced with Coal and Nat Gas
? These people are stupid!

which is of course the entire point of the global warming scam -
oil and coal go flying up in price - who owns oil and coal ?
Rockefellers and Rothschilds....
Exactly. Well, at least Germany has back-up plants. Meanwhile in the USA, certain states are decommissioning their nuclear and coal plants and relying more on solar and wind, which is not profitable without subsidizing it w/ our tax dollars. Dark Winter may have more than one meaning.
That's what Germany is doing too since Fukushima. its called "Energiewende" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energiewende
Kinda reminds me of Schutzstaffel but what do I know :)