I did not say Q was. I said: it depends on the actions later on as the determinant for lawfulness or unlawfulness. Hence the term: unlawful conspiracy.
Conspire is an act in and of itself has neutral meaning, like in hatching a plan between two or more people.
Consider the word plot. It may refer to planning on a course (by one person or more), the general direction of the story, an actual plan.
Let's look at it backwards. The impeachment is now ongoing. Let's suppose the Senate votes turn out to be in favor of guilty. Of course, it is a political determination. However, a legal determination would then follow.
The question of law then is: are all those following Trump and Q, and not pro dems, by definition part of an unlawful conspiracy, or are the dems and rinos, perpetrating this plit themselves part of an unlawful conspiracy, as it is geared towards the plan to destroy the US and the Constitution.
So, not the conspiracy factor in and of itself is the determinant, but the acts following it.
A prima facie reading of the insurrection act suffices to recognize the gravity of it
Hence, the title: "It's not a conspiracy when there's proof" is conveying the wrong impression.
Agreed. "Conspiracy theory", and now "conspiracy" have been corrupted in the popular understanding to mean "not true", "silly", etc.
Conspiracies are everywhere. Conspiracy theories speculate about that fact. A conspiracy theory with sufficient evidence to put it beyond reasonable doubt, is simply a theory evidencing a conspiracy.
People roll their eyes but it's the exact same thing going on when being white becomes white identarianism, becomes white nationalism, becomes white supremacism becomes white extremism.
The people saying "Muh pedantry" should shut the fuck up and pay attention, this is how and why you ended up being called domestic white terrorists, funnily enough even if you're not white via "whiteness". We think fundamentally with our language, let them define words under you at your grave peril.
If you hang on to such ideas, you still have no clue what a conspiracy actually is, and you show how brainwashed you still are.
Conspiracy is a legal term to denote premeditation = mens rea = intention.
Any agreement to hatch a plan IS by definition premeditation and therefor conspiracy.
If people say Q is a conspiracy, that is correct. IF less than 10 are in on the Plan, it is by definition a conspiracy.
Whether it is criminal or not depends on the actions following......
If people say: the WHO conspired with the governments to hoax us into this covid scare, it is correct.
The actions determine criminality: e.g. deprivation of rights under color of law.
I did not say Q was. I said: it depends on the actions later on as the determinant for lawfulness or unlawfulness. Hence the term: unlawful conspiracy.
Conspire is an act in and of itself has neutral meaning, like in hatching a plan between two or more people.
Consider the word plot. It may refer to planning on a course (by one person or more), the general direction of the story, an actual plan.
Let's look at it backwards. The impeachment is now ongoing. Let's suppose the Senate votes turn out to be in favor of guilty. Of course, it is a political determination. However, a legal determination would then follow.
The question of law then is: are all those following Trump and Q, and not pro dems, by definition part of an unlawful conspiracy, or are the dems and rinos, perpetrating this plit themselves part of an unlawful conspiracy, as it is geared towards the plan to destroy the US and the Constitution.
So, not the conspiracy factor in and of itself is the determinant, but the acts following it.
A prima facie reading of the insurrection act suffices to recognize the gravity of it
Hence, the title: "It's not a conspiracy when there's proof" is conveying the wrong impression.
Agreed. "Conspiracy theory", and now "conspiracy" have been corrupted in the popular understanding to mean "not true", "silly", etc.
Conspiracies are everywhere. Conspiracy theories speculate about that fact. A conspiracy theory with sufficient evidence to put it beyond reasonable doubt, is simply a theory evidencing a conspiracy.
People roll their eyes but it's the exact same thing going on when being white becomes white identarianism, becomes white nationalism, becomes white supremacism becomes white extremism.
The people saying "Muh pedantry" should shut the fuck up and pay attention, this is how and why you ended up being called domestic white terrorists, funnily enough even if you're not white via "whiteness". We think fundamentally with our language, let them define words under you at your grave peril.