Dont look at the death rates look at the birth rate.
?? Theory ??
We are being blindsided. What do I mean? This is a depopulation agenda and the msm and sciences all talk about death rates however due to the lockdowns people arent meeting in new relationships therefore new births are significantly reduced worldwide.
When they talk about death they dont want you looking into the new birth rates.
I found the stories of the Annunaki to be quite interesting. Pairing those stories with societies such as the Egyptians, who built the pyramids with demensions that included important mathematical constants such as E, Pi, Phi, the foot and meter, multiple important sq. roots, among around 10 other mathematical constants (remember that in modern math we use approximate) with their dimensions being exact as opposed to approx. Keep in mind they used these constants about three thousand years before mainstream science claims they discovered. With average accuracy of over 99.5%+ in all their constructs. Their structures strongly suggest they had knowledge of the Procession of the Equinoxes, which occurs only every ~26,000 years. How could they have had the knowledge of such things as a society that built such structures with "chisels and hammers". In my opinion, the modern scientific view of societies such as these is much far fetched than stories of the Annunaki.