Ashli Babbitt - request for information
Autists Wanted
Does anyone have any legitimate sources for her obituary or funeral? A DDG search only yields false flag YouTube video with her name misspelled and a blurry photo. I did a search on and got nothing. I know there are a lot of rumors out there but does anyone have a reliable source of info? I have seen the 21 minute video etc., but doesn't every American death result in an obituary?
Babbitt was young... not enough time in for retirement.
Babbitt was obvious not a combat vet. Shots were supposedly being actively fired by a supposed .45 per video. Either she had no situational awareness or she's a fake. Even combat vets will hunker down instead of stepping, or jumping through a window in this case, into the line of fire without body armor. Besides all this, the breakdown of the video does clearly show it was staged b.s.
I agree it was clearly staged. What is unclear is by WHOM. As mil I assume she would be pro trump. But her actions here, as you point out, are suspect.