Ashli Babbitt - request for information
Autists Wanted
Does anyone have any legitimate sources for her obituary or funeral? A DDG search only yields false flag YouTube video with her name misspelled and a blurry photo. I did a search on and got nothing. I know there are a lot of rumors out there but does anyone have a reliable source of info? I have seen the 21 minute video etc., but doesn't every American death result in an obituary?
Here is her hi-jacked Twitter account, she just tweeted today. Twitter account Hi-Jacked Ashli Babbitt
This is the Twitter profile for the fake Ashli, see is an actor. You can see that from her followers or following.
Here is the real Ashli Twitter account.
Real Twitter Ashli Babbitt account
Profile: CommonAshSense @Ashli_Babbitt
Veteran #AMERICA #Libertarian #2A #KAG
my dude, my & above all, my country
United StatesJoined October 2016