Ashli Babbitt - request for information
Autists Wanted
Does anyone have any legitimate sources for her obituary or funeral? A DDG search only yields false flag YouTube video with her name misspelled and a blurry photo. I did a search on and got nothing. I know there are a lot of rumors out there but does anyone have a reliable source of info? I have seen the 21 minute video etc., but doesn't every American death result in an obituary?
Ok guys I did a little digging and this is very weird to say the least. Maybe someone with more connections can take this further. Based on information provided in this thread I started to search. Ashli's (alleged full name) Ashli Elizabeth Pamatian Babbitt
This NY times article claims she had a brother. Andrew Witthoeft
It claims that Andrew is 21 but his Facebook page looks and sounds like a young high school aged boy. Containing mostly posts about video games. He has 315 friends. Andrew makes one weird sounding post on January 12th vaugly referencing Ashli. The response is 6 very dry comments from people who might not even be his friends. One of which asks where the funeral is. No reply. Here's the twist. Andrew has a brother!
Alex Witthoeft
No mention of him anywhere. Alex has 73 Friends Neither he nor his brother Andrew at FB friend's with their "sister" Ashli on FB. Odd. Nor are they friends with anyone with their family name Witthoeft or anyone from the Babbitt family.
This is as far as I got. I'll add more if someone doesn't beat me to it.
Her brother Alex seems to fit the 21 age better but no pics just a dog. Also the NY times article mentions the husband waiting for her ashes. So if you can prove nobody was creamated by her
Woah, woah, woah....Now she has a 32 year old brother named... Roger Witthoeft. Seriously wtf?
Now reading she has four idea who the fourth is...he is never named.
Given that she was 35, a 21 year old little brother would be more likely (even that's quite a spread in age). And, there are many 21 year olds that game like a teenager still. Good work though!