Some bad man some long time ago once said...
Out of all the feverishly intelligent people who roam this forum... I never would've thought you lads would forget. "The best way to control your opposition is to lead it yourself". I can guarentee you one thing. What a perfect way to pacify those who are willing and wanting to bring great change, end corruption, ect. The best change doesn't come from sitting in your house. If this isn't up or my acct. banned, you can safely assume that the people in charge or in control of this site do not want actual change, but to actually pacify you.
You should go through and re read. I didn't say shit til he used multiple derogatory terms. Why are you still so set on this? It was not meant to put that much of a burden on your day. Look at how others kindly posted and I kindly responded. Keep believing this is a shit post, I don't care to see into your fantasy world. If you have a problem eith the real world, this post isn't where you should discuss said problems.