When they're red-pilled, many realize they were brainwashed members of a controlling, dishonest cult. Look at Brandon Straka. He cried when Trump won and couldn't believe so many Americans would elect a racist homophobe who openly mocked a disabled reporter.
A conservative friend red-pilled him, showing him video of Trump using the same hand gestures to mock other flustered liars. Trump wasn't mocking the reporter's disability. He was mocking his flustered behavior when caught in a lie. Straka realized the media he'd trusted was propaganda, did his own research, became a huge Trump supporter, and started the #walkaway movement to help wake up other Dems who still believe the Democrats were the good guys.
When they're red-pilled, many realize they were brainwashed members of a controlling, dishonest cult. Look at Brandon Straka. He cried when Trump won and couldn't believe so many Americans would elect a racist homophobe who openly mocked a disabled reporter.
A conservative friend red-pilled him, showing him video of Trump using the same hand gestures to mock other flustered liars. Trump wasn't mocking the reporter's disability. He was mocking his flustered behavior when caught in a lie. Straka realized the media he'd trusted was propaganda, did his own research, became a huge Trump supporter, and started the #walkaway movement to help wake up other Dems who still believe the Democrats were the good guys.