Q drops matching up to current events, coincidence or simply the AI in charge of the simulation changing the Q drop to match current events?
If we are participants in a simulation, we have no control over anything. If something says BLUE today, and RED tomorrow, then to us will have always said RED. We will not remember it ever being BLUE. Our minds, if simulated would be connected to a database and if the history within that database is changed, then history is changed.
Quantum computing from the future, connecting back to a PAST simulation AI event. Making alterations to the PAST in order to change the future?
I can do that now, you can too. Insert a USB drive into your computer with school work on it from years ago. Change the title of an essay you wrote. There, you changed history, no one will ever know the difference. If we are a simulation, rewind it, go back into history, make that change again, when you come back to the future, your history is now your present and you didn't have to change anything.
What we do not know is preventing us from knowing everything. We must wake up.
I've thought that this very thing you described is actuality. During a strong psilocybin experience I had a very vivid thought/feeling/vision whatever label you want to use that I was in a simulation chair like the matrix and that a deceased friend was going to walk through my door and say lets go. Thus waking me from the simulation.