The programming upon the masses is so fierce and diabiolical and intelligent from the left. The hearings today were hard to stomach. Absolute lies. If Trump was going to call for an Insurrection it would have gone down much differently than the 6th breach. Do you feel like our country still has a chance to pull out of this downward spiral of moral depravity and Godlessness? It seems like things are just drifting away and we are out on our own now.
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We are all just hoping. I’m done after March 4th. I still have hope until then.
I have faith until the Military leaves and biden is waving them goodbye and wonder how Our country with the greatest military on earth gets showed up by Myanmar military. But I have faith that we helped Myanmar and gave them the proof.
Is March 4th the new date-fag date?
Is that what you think I do?
Was just going to write this
It’ll be done in God’s timing, every time. Believe, trust, and pray fren. ?