Day 3 of Senate Circus 2.0 Chat - Mods - Can We Get a Sticky?
Good morning, Patriots!
Grab your coffee! Get settled in. I have a feeling it is going to be another long day! I have read that they SHOULD be wrapping up their statements today and the other side will get to talk - my fingers and toes are crossed.
Here is the link for RSBN:
See you all at noon to let the ridicule begin!
Well, Pedes.... Today was a doozy.
The good news is we don't have to listen to them tomorrow! No matter what higher power you believe in, say a prayer, send out positive vibes or whatever it is that you do to find peace in your heart.
I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be either:
Either way, we are prepared. We know what is right. We know what we stand for. But most importantly, we know we are not alone. We know we have each other and that is more than they can say as we have watched them start tearing each other apart. We are more than just warriors behind screens. We will go out and fight the good fight and start running for government.
Tomorrow may not be the showdown we are hoping for, but we will never give up. We will never give in. We are the heart of the American Dream. We will take back what so many have died for ONE SEAT AT A TIME.
See you tomorrow - same bat time. same bat place. (Note: not a wu-flu jab :) )
Correct, there are only 2 ways tomorrow can go massive undeniable evidence that will make the dems run for the doors or.... The biggest let down since Pence revealed himself as a traitor.
Hate me all you want. I am a huge Trump supporter. Been fighting for MAGA for 5 years. Tomorrow is gonna be a let down. And I hope I am 100% wrong.
Hate to say I agree
It's not about the date. It's about this being a great opportunity to do so. If not in this circumstance, I can't forsee there being a better one with more people at attention.