I see a lying sack of donkey shit making up "covid" scare numbers. I see a guy with one ear higher than the other and he can't keep his mask on. I see a kid sniffer with two kids that are still alive, one's an alcoholic and the other is a crackhead. I see a con man, a racist, and an extortionist.
I see a lying sack of donkey shit making up "covid" scare numbers. I see a guy with one ear higher than the other and he can't keep his mask on. I see a kid sniffer with two kids that are still alive, one's an alcoholic and the other is a crackhead. I see a con man, a racist, and an extortionist.
I don't see a nose melting off.
I saw all the above including the nose "melting" (seriously WTF). That mask is loose, it shouldn't be doing that to his nose.
seriously, what the fuck is that???? Coninsackorpick keep watching, its not at 1:12 its at 1:12:23. What in the fuck is actually going on here?????
Keep watching, it happens more over the next couple minutes.
A "lying dog faced pony soldier" to be exact.
1:03:18 1:03:36 1:13:30