SuckaFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

Why were children ever allowed into any Hollywood party at any point in Hollywood's history?!

SuckaFree 13 points ago +13 / -0

The only way this works is IF, and in the current DC climate that's a very big IF, we go back to import/export tariffs with a precious metals backed currency funding the U.S. and State level govts. I could be mistaken, but I doubt this gets passed in the next 4 1/2 yrs.

SuckaFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

It should be listed in his DD-214 or in his Service Record. All awards are listed in the Awards Section of the DD-214 and each individual award gets a page entry in the Service Record. He had to have been qualled as some sort of shooter, at some point, to be allowed to continue in the Army past the rank of E-1. If you can't get a basic Rifleman Badge, you get booted for failing to adhere to the regs.

Edit: the only group of service members I know of that don't have to qualify are the Chaplain's Corps. The rest, even a Corpsman/Medic, have to have at least a Basic Rifle qual to get past the "boot phase" of training. I know some people in every branch that had a hard time with shooting and were held back from advancing out of Boot Camp/Basic Training until they qualled, and I know of a few who ended up Admin Separated at the 181 day mark of their enlistment for failing.

SuckaFree 10 points ago +12 / -2

Very rare he drops a F-Bomb. Someone has pissed The Man off. Can't wait to see how this develops.

SuckaFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

Looks like a big brain to me.

SuckaFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Excuse me, but no one owns me. Or any of us here, for that matter. That's why we congregate here.

SuckaFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

News flash: Black Rock owns both major political parties, as well as other major parties worldwide, along with a lot of so-called "independent" pols.

SuckaFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

If she's a witness/victim-survivor, that's one thing. Typically, however, witnesses in a criminal investigation never, and I mean NEVER are told about impending arrests, indictments, etc. Give this a healthy dose of salt grains before you devour her info. As glad as I would be to see this actually happen, no prosecutor in their right mind would ever divulge the kind of info she says she's privy to. And even if one did divulge info to her, there would be a gag order in place to prevent that person from saying anything that would jeopardize the investigation.

Seems to me people around here are just so excited and ready to see happenings, that they'll forget about certain rules we have developed as the premier anon community. Rules such as "the 48-72 hr rule," the "do your due diligence rule," and the "post nothing unless you can independently confirm it rule."

Since the sticky has been removed, I'll go on ahead and consider this as bunk news until we see how it plays out over the next 38-62 hrs.

Last thought on this:

I'm beginning to think this place has either been captured by certain elements and those elements are trying their best to distract, divide, and divert attention away from more critical issues we should be dealing with, or people around her behave become complacent and bored with the pace of things we've been told are happening, and their minds are making leaps of faith in their judgements and thoughts. Leaps of faith in a logic process cannot be allowed. It's what leads to failed ops. Leaps of faith in the logic process is what special warfare operators call bad intelligence. I'm not calling out any one anon, or the mod team, or the contributors with this thought, just pointing out that things around here now seem a little off. I'm a suspicious person by nature, so what I'm seeing now makes me wonder about just "who" exactly is in charge here and where the funding comes from for this site.

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, that is not how "relief efforts" work. Or have you not been paying attention?

SuckaFree 12 points ago +13 / -1

They lost that spot once they crucified Jesus Christ.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Damn. [they] can't ever come up with different plans? This is getting old and boring.

SuckaFree 4 points ago +5 / -1

If the election gets cancelled for any reason, the early votes won't get counted. It won't matter. The argument will be made that it won't matter b cause the election was cancelled for "natsec reasons" or whatever other legal reasoning [they] can come up with.

What it will show is that [they] aren't afraid to pull out all the stops in ensuring PDJT never gets back into the White House. Which will then also play into [their] hands, due to the possibility of overwhelming numbers of his supporters that may take to the streets in protest, which would be the event [they] need to bring in the BH sections of the military to "quell" the unrest. This potential outcome is why, I think, Austin signed that DOD Directive dictating how our military can/will respond to the public last week and had it published.

But make no mistake, if the election gets cancelled, there won't be any votes counted. By all means, vote early, if for no other reason than for optics in the event there isn't an election.

SuckaFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is an easy fix: don't allow people to register to vote when they get a state issued I.D. Don't allow them to register to vote thru the state's Welfare programs. Don't allow them to register to vote WITHOUT providing a copy of a birth certificate AND proof of citizenship status.

This wasn't an issue before every level of govt decided in their "infinite wisdom" to go to a "paperless system."

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the election gets cancelled for any reason whatsoever, it won't matter if anyone votes early. Those votes won't be counted.

I don't think it matters anyway, whether anyone votes early, or not, because of the reports of Dominion, ES&S, etc voting machines that are already switching votes or ar using fractional voting methods in the counts.

By all means, vote early if you want to. I will be, but only because my schedule is heavy and dictates I won't have the time to vote on Election Day. But I'm not expecting my vote to be counted, because I also believe [they] will engineer and the execute plans to ensure the vote isn't counted or even certified this election season. The reason(s) why don't matter. It's just something I expect because I know [they] can't afford to have PDJT back in the White House.

SuckaFree 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's hard to check on people when an area has been so devastated you now have to use gps coord's and old school grid maps to navigate the area to find missing survivors because all the overland nav points and references have been destroyed.

SuckaFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

The whole alphabet soup of agencies is corrupted because [they], in [their] own words, use the "whole of government" approach.

SuckaFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

[they] can spin it whichever way [they] want. Doesn't matter. The end results will be the same: some will get life in prison without parole, some will be swinging in the Caribbean breeze.

The funny thing is, to me at least, is that the Colorado Supermax Slick Willy refers to is for hyper-violent criminals who've committed federal felony offense crimes, and for those violent criminals that the individual states deem are too violent or too "popular" in their prison sytems to be allowed to to remain within the genpop. GITMO is a U.S. military prison, reserved for enemy combatants who've committed the most egregious of attrocities against the U.S. and her people. Yet, I bet not one of those in attendance (sounded like it couldn't have been more than 20-30 in attendance) even bothered to research why we have a prison in Guantanamo Bay. But they will soon find out, won't they? Hahahahahaha

Side note: I really hope PDJT televises ALL of those trials, military tribunals, sentencing hearings, and executions. It's the only way to truly bring the truth to the world about what these evil "people" have done.

SuckaFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

A lot of left handed people tend to be control freaks and megolamiacal in their dealings with people they view to be lesser than them.

Not saying all left handed people are like this, but if you go back thru history, there are a lot of national leaders who were left handed and also happened to be tyrants.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

That guy's long been known for questionable acts. He likes 'em young enough to be his great granddaughter.

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everything about our society is artificial. That's how it can be manipulated. What were seeing now is the beginning of the end result of fiat fractional reserve banking. This was always the intended goal.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

"This should be transparent and accessible to everyone, most importantly communities who are meant to benefit from climate finance."

That's just it, though. The WB wasn't designed to be monitored and audited by The People. And the end user of those funds, the communities, aren't meant to receive any actual funding.

Why is taking so long for The People to figure that out?

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

It would seem so. Makes me wonder what's under the ground in these flood prone places.

SuckaFree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Aww, how sad for the Deep State! Trump do no wanna play fair! What will [they] do now, I do wonder. I do think it be no small task for the Deep State to infiltrate the Trump Team now. It do make me wonder if Linda McMahon was targeted when she was SBA administrator.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

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