775 Uhhh, excuse me, Mr. Pan-sexual pedovore Deep State POS? Got a sec? SEE THIS? YEAH, NO, NO THANKS, THIS IS THE MOST *SACRED* WORD OF ALL TO US, AND YEAH, WE'RE ***NEVER*** GOING TO 'STOP' USING *THIS* WORD... UNTIL YOU ARE DEAD. Looking at you, Podesta. Looking at you, Abramovic. WE ARE COMING. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by catsfive [M] 4 years ago by catsfive +777 / -2 150 comments download share 150 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
STOLENSOUP - WHY ARE YOU HERE? there are like minded individuals over there - you sound like a weak minded naïve gullible retard to each and every one of us when you write like that