Greatest of mornings, my fellow Americans!
Let's just go ahead and say it. Yesterday SUCKED. Watching the same footage they presented in their opening statements on Tuesday for another full day was EXHAUSTING. I actually heard my IQ drop a few points.
NOW IT IS TIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMEEEEEE!!! (Bruce Buffer voice - for those that don't know, that is a UFC reference; look it up)
Senate rested yesterday just before adjourning and Trump's Team will be speaking today. Don't get your hopes up for some craziness to happen. They are going to be spoon feeding the sheep. They can't process everything we have learned over months/years/decades of research - baby steps.
Buckle up. It's about to get bumpy. No matter what, we are together. Albeit not physically, we stand strong. Our voices will be heard - eventually. Here is the link directly to the Senate just in case - RSBN went down briefly yesterday so I listed this one instead.
I’m off an on, did they show Maxine waters being explicitly aggressive against Trump supporters in restaurants? If not we are 100% in for a long show and we will love how it ends.
They played Mad Max several times
I've been totally slammed today and reading through some of the comments to see if I missed anything while I had to walk away for awhile....saw this and was like "what the..." For a split second, I was picturing actual MAD MAX (thunderdome), not Maxine Waters..
I'm losin' it. lmao.