Holy FUCK the moral grandstanding you faggots are doing over ((((((((((The N Word)))))))))) is childish and embarrassing. If you retards aren't self-aware enough to realize the same bullshit you've been pulling these last few days is the same shit leftards use to cancel wrongthinkers, we might as well just drop the fucking sub now. Get the fuck over yourselves you vindictive, holier-than-thou cucks.
PS "They want you divided" only applies if you give the word its power in the first place.
Holy FUCK the moral grandstanding you faggots are doing over ((((((((((The N Word)))))))))) is childish and embarrassing. If you retards aren't self-aware enough to realize the same bullshit you've been pulling these last few days is the same shit leftards use to cancel wrongthinkers, we might as well just drop the fucking sub now. Get the fuck over yourselves you vindictive, holier-than-thou cucks.
PS "They want you divided" only applies if you give the word its power in the first place.