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And not one MOTHERFUCKING arrest. Not a single fucking one. Despite the mountains of evidence. We have blatant crooks running the show. I’ve been waiting 4 years for justice and trying to explain away why nothing has happened. Rep Omar married her fucking brother. Maxine waters calls for violence. Hillary did whatever she wanted, and all I have are theories that she has been dealt with behind the curtain. I want some public fucking justice...
Can you tell I’m fed up? After a year of lockdowns, hysteria, and lies, I’m all out of patience.
We need Trump’s voice so badly. His silence gives me hope in a way. I do feel like it’s part of the plan, that way he won’t be commenting on things when they go down and seem completely disconnected from it... but damn, we sure could use his voice and leadership right now.
EXACTLY! We’re past the point of damage control.
Amen, bro.
A bunch of no names. Forgive me for being salty that the most egregious and well known criminals are still walking free. Obama, clintons, Soros, comey, schiff, pelosi, Omar, Biden, clapper, Brennan, Schumer etc... not a single fucking one
Your are totally right... and yet all That doesn’t seem to make a difference with regard to our new government. I’m still hopeful though.