posted ago by NoMoreFun ago by NoMoreFun +25 / -1

Some patriots believe the Deep State is capable of creating body doubles (Xiden, Killary, Melinda Gates, etc), of creating a vaccine that can track your every move and communicate over 5G, of creating studio versions of the Oval Office, the inauguration, and so on. But if this is true, how can that same Deep State be so dumb as to be blind-sided by 'The Plan'? Are the military so much smarter than the DS, and do they have access to even better technology such that they can overcome the DS ? It seems like the DS ought to be able run rings around the military if they have such amazing technologies.

For the record, I don't buy into the idea of body doubles, and such ... so I'm just wondering what those who DO buy into it think. How does the Military prevail against such an accomplished enemy?