Do you know why? Because it happens every 13,000 years. That’s what Q has meant this entire time. Our age is almost over and we are about to enter a new age, PHYSICALLY. It will be Biblical. It’s happened before, it will happen again in another 13,000 years. It was pre-organized from the start
The Great Awakening y’all. We just didn’t always know that this shit has happened before many times. And our ancestors were here to witness the event, like we are witnessing.
It’s cosmic. It’s molecular. It’s romantic. As above, so below. All things seen and unseen.
Idk what’s about to happen, but something is coming!
Matthew 24:39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
The storm is coming ?
full-on freedom?? no jabs?? WAR AGAINST NWO?? Epic....
Lol wut
some epicness
mega kek
epic was the name of my ping pong paddle growing up. I mean business
Epic business
I know this white as Rice guy that studies the Vedas and he says the same thing that we are going into some new time now. Anyone else who knows Vedic text can confirm?