Nice find! You're right, TinEye is not infallible. But note that the picture by Eric Trump, while hi-res, is cropped, meaning that this cannot be the origin of the Telegram thumbnail version. Given the high resolution, Eric must also have obtained this from a close and direct source.
George also has access to the full frame image of a high enough resolution that artifacts can be minimised in the thumbnail version. Whether they are the originator of the photo or not cannot be verified from this alone, but they are at least in close enough access to obtain such a photo.
My bad, was focused on finding the grandson and the plane so I didn't even notice the crop. He does have an uncropped version on his instagram though: here (note: instagram doesn't like giving you full resolution, so I had to grab it from this link -
I think I might add that this is a good rebuttal to the idea that all photos of Conan are not shared openly due to military classification, but they do seem to be controlled.
Tineye is not an absolute source of truth - here is the picture with Trump's grandson in the foreground, posted by Eric Trump:
There are also several more pictures of Conan on the official Trump whitehouse flickr -
Nice find! You're right, TinEye is not infallible. But note that the picture by Eric Trump, while hi-res, is cropped, meaning that this cannot be the origin of the Telegram thumbnail version. Given the high resolution, Eric must also have obtained this from a close and direct source.
George also has access to the full frame image of a high enough resolution that artifacts can be minimised in the thumbnail version. Whether they are the originator of the photo or not cannot be verified from this alone, but they are at least in close enough access to obtain such a photo.
My bad, was focused on finding the grandson and the plane so I didn't even notice the crop. He does have an uncropped version on his instagram though: here (note: instagram doesn't like giving you full resolution, so I had to grab it from this link -
I think I might add that this is a good rebuttal to the idea that all photos of Conan are not shared openly due to military classification, but they do seem to be controlled.