You say that, and you're right, but the establishment has recruited a large swath of useful idiots that they use to antagonize us. They are henchmen, complicit in the unethical actions and crimes of their leaders by default, enabling them every day. We can't deprogram them by ourselves, so until they stop attacking us and start to think rationally, they are just as much an enemy as their uniparty politicians.
We need to abandon the whole "D vs R" mindset.
It's "The Establishment VS The People"
That's it.
You say that, and you're right, but the establishment has recruited a large swath of useful idiots that they use to antagonize us. They are henchmen, complicit in the unethical actions and crimes of their leaders by default, enabling them every day. We can't deprogram them by ourselves, so until they stop attacking us and start to think rationally, they are just as much an enemy as their uniparty politicians.