The pic of Biden points out depth of his eye sockets as well as there seeming to be two separate eye sockets, and eyelids; one on top of the other. However, I have no idea if its due to age.
The bottom pic shows a man wearing a silicone mask, and the same effect in relation to Bidens eye is achieved-alluding to there being an actor wearing a Biden mask, and playing out a role.
I don't subscribe to this theory, but I do believe the man we are seeing now is not the same Biden, and is in fact a clone or double.
There are no "clones" (that's science-fiction bullshit). But body-doubles are a dime-a-dozen, and with plastic-surgery and make-up, are more than passable.
Eyelids get droopy w age...thats why people go for plastic surgery. Lid lift.
I dont believe the real Joe Biden has been around for some time. Multiple doubles. I'm sure they keep an eye out for people.
What are we looking at?
The pic of Biden points out depth of his eye sockets as well as there seeming to be two separate eye sockets, and eyelids; one on top of the other. However, I have no idea if its due to age.
The bottom pic shows a man wearing a silicone mask, and the same effect in relation to Bidens eye is achieved-alluding to there being an actor wearing a Biden mask, and playing out a role.
I don't subscribe to this theory, but I do believe the man we are seeing now is not the same Biden, and is in fact a clone or double.
There are no "clones" (that's science-fiction bullshit). But body-doubles are a dime-a-dozen, and with plastic-surgery and make-up, are more than passable.
Clone Biden from cells in a tube.
-- Ready. Set. Go!
...see ya in 70 fucking years.
(Or we could get some guy and trick him up. Which sounds easier?)
Really??? They are 3D printing organs and ribeye steaks now...1st cloned Dolly the sheep in like 1985
Quick! Clone a Biden! And: here's the fun part: Get him to do what you want.
Or you could get some guy who's already close, and trick him up. Which sounds easier?
What do you mean by clone.
Eyelids get droopy w age...thats why people go for plastic surgery. Lid lift. I dont believe the real Joe Biden has been around for some time. Multiple doubles. I'm sure they keep an eye out for people.