A suggested location chosen to build the Heroes park was Greenbelt National Park. https://gardenrant.com/2020/09/trumps-national-garden-of-american-heroes.html
Here is a map of the area. Notice Greenbelt National park is located 10 miles outside DC boundary. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=greenbelt+park&ia=web&iaxm=places
Here is a article from Jan 18th 2021 saying POTUS just updated the names of heroes for the monuments. The article goes on to say the park will never get built now that Biden is in office. If that is the case why would POTUS waste his time in the last days in office updating the monument list? https://www.npr.org/2021/01/18/958079495/i-beg-your-garden-trump-adds-hero-names-to-statue-garden-unlikely-to-take-root
Once I heard POTUS planned on moving our capital out of DC, I thought, I bet the Heros park would be located near by. I do not know all the ramifications of moving our capital out of DC other than ending the foreign influence over our government and elected officials perhaps through jurisdictional boundaries. Keeping the new Capital in close proximity to the old one may have benefits. Its close enough that tourists visiting our capitol could visit both in a single day. I think it will take time to build all the office buildings needed to move our capital to its new location and temporarily working from the old location may be a necessity and a short commute would be a must.
Well, I live only 25 minutes away from Greenbelt National Park. That would be awesome!
I don't think DC will be allowed to remain standing. Too many occult symbols, and a festering cesspool of really dark, evil energy. I heard the plan was to bulldoze everything, drain it out, literally, and let it return to it's natural state: swampland.
That sounds like a good idea but there are 700,000 swamp rats that live in DC, it may be best to let them stay there.
There won't be when all the dust settles.